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Carlsbad, New Mexico Republican Party. Artesia, New Mexico Republican Party. Loving, New Mexico Republican ​Party. Supporting all Republican candidates for office, including Donald J. Trump. We believe in smaller ​government, less gun control.

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Eddy County




Republican Party of Eddy County

We, here in God's country, Land of the free and home of the brave, Southeastern New Mexico, Eddy County, believe and stand for ALL, including the unborn, the right to God's gift of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

"The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance." Psalm 33: 11-12

Eddy County General Election ​Super Ballot 2024


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Donald J. Trump


Nella Domenici


Yvette Herrell


S. Clahchischilliag​e

5th District Attorney

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Dianna Luce

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KT Manis

Eddy County Sheriff

Matthew Hutchinson

County Treasurer

Patricia Carrasco

Dist. 9 Public Ed Comm

D32 NM Senate

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Candy Spence Ezzell

D34 NM Senate

Jim Townsend

D41 NM Senate

David Gallegos

D42 NM Senate

Larry Scott

D54 NM House Rep

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Jonathan Henry

D55 NM House Rep

Cathrynn Brown

D66 NM House Rep

Jimmy Mason

5th District Judge

Efren Cortez

Commissioner Dist 2

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Hayley Klein

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Philip Troost

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For All

CommissionerDist 3



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Monthly Meetings

Tentatively every 3rd Thursday each Month

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Morning Meeting

Republican Woman’s Club

Stevens Inn

1829 S Canal

Carlsbad NM

11:00 am

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Evening Meeting

North Eddy County Meetings

Artesia Country Club

2701 W Richey Ave

Artesia NM

5:30 pm

Eddy County- Chair

Tina Kincaid

Tina has been a dedicated Republican since 2009 when she joined the ​Republican Women's Club of Carlsbad. As a Christian Constitutional ​Conservative Republican, she became deeply concerned about the future of ​liberty in New Mexico and the nation. Throughout her involvement, she has ​held various leadership roles within the party, including Secretary, Vice Chair, ​and Chair.

In her professional life, Tina worked on Kincaid Ranch with her late husband ​Gene for 16 years, raising sheep and cattle. After that, she worked as an office ​manager and sales supervisor at Bealls, followed by 13 years at the ​Department of Motor Vehicles. She also co-owned and operated Kincaid ​Pump Sales & Service, a water well service company, and managed the books ​for Aegis Linings LLC.

Tina is a proud mother of three and grandmother of six. She is married to ​George Chumbley. She returned to politics and is currently chair of the ​Republican Party of Eddy County.

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Executive Board

Chair……………………………………..Tina Kincaid

1st Vice Chair………………………..Kirstin Carlson

2nd Vice Chair………………………Selah Perkins

Secretary……………………………….Robert Handel

Treasurer…………………………………Nancy Rogers

Members at Large

Jim Townsend, Cathrynn Brown, Robin Morgan, Charlotte Sibley, & Estefani Hammond

Contact Us

Mailing address:

PO Box 2424

Carlsbad NM 88221-2424

Mobile: (575) 706-0704

Carlsbad - Headquarters

312 N. Canal St. Suite A​

Office Hours

Monday 10AM - 2PM & 4PM -7PM

Tuesday 10AM - 2PM & 4PM -7PM

Wednesday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Thursday 10AM - 2PM & 4PM -7PM

Friday 10AM - 2PM & 4PM -7PM

Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Prayer on Wednesdays 9 am - 10 am

Artesia - Suboffice

106 S. Roselawn​

Office Hours

Monday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Tuesday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Wednesday CLOSED

Thursday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Friday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Prayer on Wednesdays at 10:00 am


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During a contested primary, informative announcement posts are not considered an endorsement by the party or the person posting or sharing information.

Affiliated Groups

Woman chooses ""Republican' option in election

Republican Woman’s Club of Carlsbad

ARTESIA US Highway Exit Only Sign

North Eddy ​County

Eddy County Republican Elected Representatives


House 54: Jim Townsend

House 55: Cathrynn Brown

House 66: Jimmy Mason

Senate 32: Cliff Pirtle

Senate 34: Ron Griggs

Senate 41: David Gallegos

Senate 42: Steve McCutcheon


County Commission Dist 1: Ernie Carlson

County Commission Dist 2: Jon Henry

County Commission Dist 3: Fred Beard

County Commission Dist 4: Bo Bowen

Sheriff: Mark Cage

County Clerk: Cara Cook

County Assessor: Rhonda Hatch

County Treasurer: Laurie Pruitt

Probate Judge: Jay Francis


District Attorney: Dianna Luce

Public Education Commission Dist 9: KT Manis

Donate by check:

Mail your check to:

PO Box 2424

Carlsbad NM 88221-2424

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Republican Party of Eddy County.

Effective Date: June 25, 2024

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Eddy County

Tina Kincaid September 19, 2024

Proclamation 10 issued October 18, 1780, refers to God first ..... ​"Father of all mercies" (II Corinthians 1:3).... This proclamation ​was for a day of thanksgiving and prayer for God's help in the ​discovery of the plot by Benedict Arnold to betray the ​American cause. The Founders believed God blessed us by ​allowing this to be determined and prevented. In this ​proclamation they asked all citizens to beg God above all to ​continue the enjoyment of the Gospel of Peace (Romans 10:15 ​and Ephesians 6:15)....referred to "the God of all Grace"...(I Peter ​5:10).....Asked God to incline our hearts for the future to keep all ​His laws. To cherish all schools and seminaries of education, ​"build up His churches in their most holy faith" (Jude 20) and to ​"cuase the knowledge of Christianity to spread over all the ​earth ." The Founders believed it was part of the government ​leaders responsibility to promote and encourage Christianity to ​be spread over the world and gave government sanction to that ​purpose!


Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God, the Father of all ​mercies, amidst the vicissitudes and calamities of war, to ​bestow blessings on the people of these states, which call for ​their devout and thankful acknowledgments, more especially in ​the late remarkable interposition of his watchful providence, in ​rescuing the person of our Commander in Chief and the army ​from imminent dangers, at the moment when treason was ​ripened for execution; in prospering the labours of the ​husbandmen, and causing the earth to yield its increase in ​plentiful harvests; and, above all, in continuing to us the ​enjoyment of the gospel of peace;

It is therefore recommended to the several states to set apart ​Thursday, the seventh day of December next, to be observed ​as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer; that all the people ​may assemble on that day to celebrate the praises of our Divine ​Benefactor; to confess our unworthiness of the least of his ​favours, and to offer our fervent supplications to the God of all ​grace; that it may please him to pardon our heinous ​transgressions and incline our hearts for the future to keep all ​his laws that it may please him still to afford us the blessing of ​health; to comfort and relieve our brethren who are any wise ​afflicted or distressed; to smile upon our husbandry and trade ​and establish the work of our hands; to direct our publick ​councils, and lead our forces, by land and sea, to victory; to take ​our illustrious ally under his special protection, and favor our ​joint councils and exertions for the establishment of speedy ​and permanent peace; to cherish all schools and seminaries of ​education, build up his churches in their most holy faith and to ​cause the knowledge of Christianity to spread over all the earth.

Done in Congress, the Eighteenth day of October, 1780, and in ​the fifth year of the independence of the United States of ​America.

Samuel Huntington, President.


Charles Thomson, Secretary

Tina Kincaid September 18, 2024

Today is Constitution Day.

"Open the gates, That the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in,, You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:2-3

As we mark the 237th anniversary of our U.S. Constitution, please consider taking some time to read this document, study it with your children, and discuss its great principles.

Contrary to the claims of many secularist writers, the Constitution is not a Godless document. Many of its clauses directly incorporate Biblical principles, and the Founders who wrote and ratified it specifically acknowledged God in its creation:

"It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in it a finger of that Almighty Hand which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of the Revolution." James Madison

"For my own part, I sincerely esteem it a system which without the finger of God never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests." Alexander Hamilton

"I beg I may not be understood to infer that our general Convention was Divinely inspired when it formed the new federal Constitution . . . yet I must own [admit] I have so much faith in the general government of the world by Providence that I can hardly conceive a transaction of such momentous importance . . . should be suffered to pass without being in some degree influenced, guided, and governed by that omnipotent, omnipresent, and beneficent Ruler in Whom all inferior spirits “live and move and have their being” [Acts 17:28]. Benjamin Franklin

"I do not believe that the Constitution was the offspring of inspiration, but I am as perfectly satisfied that the Union of the States in its form and adoption is as much the work of a Divine Providence as any of the miracles recorded in the Old and New Testament." Benjamin Rush

Our exceptional country is "One Nation Under God". Christians used to make up the largest group in America unfortunately they are not any longer and the majority in government leadership, have not been for a very long time. Because of the lack of Christian leadership, example, and influence, we have had leaders who do not believe in or fear God and do not respect or lead according to God's form of government,...a republican form of government whose structure is found in Exodus chapter 18 and other locations throughout Scripture, and on which our Constitutional Republic was established.

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is their duty – as well as privilege and interest – of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." - John Jay

"The Bible is the best of all books, for it is the word of God and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in the next. Continue therefore to read it and to regulate your life by its precepts". - John Jay First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

As Christians, we have a dual citizenship. While we are citizens of heaven, we are also citizens of the United States of America. we didn't ask to be born free in a country with the responsibilites of self government. God placed us here with this "trust"....this "stewardship" and expects us to take care of it and hand it down to our posterity.

"Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." Matt 22:21

Who is "Caesar" in the United States of America? Caesar is "We The People" because we are a self governing nation. Those we choose by ballot to lead us are our representatives, our "substitutes" if you will, to maintain a peaceful, orderly, law abiding society. They are supposed to answer to us, not the other way around. So if Christians would lead and Christians would vote for Christian leaders, God would bless this nation once again, and far beyond our expectations.

Please seriously consider that which we are losing, and what legacy we will leave for our grandchildren and great grandchildren because of our lack of involvement and stewardship in the civic arena, in this, the greatest nation in history. Consider the great sacrifices and losses our Founders experienced, so that our grand parents, our parents and we could enjoy the liberty, peace and prosperity we have been blessed with. Will our posterity enjoy the same or better? Or will they pay the price for our silence, and lack of involvement and leadership.

Have a blessed day today!

Tina Kincaid September 17, 2024

Proclamation 9 issued March 11, 1780 is a supplication ​proclamation, more proof that our Founders believed that ​PUBLIC acknowledgement of God and our dependence upon ​Him was of the utmost importance. Their use of the Bible was ​almost constant and is evident in these early official ​government documents. This proclamation makes reference to ​the Bible at least 11 times! See if you can find all of them.... and ​finally once again acknowledges our Savior Jesus Christ....."In ​the year of our Lord".

Proclamation of Congress

Saturday, March 11, 1780

It having pleased the righteous Governor of the world, for the ​punishment of our manifold offences, to permit the sword of ​war still to harass our country, it becomes us to endeavor, by ​humbling ourselves before him and turning from every evil way, ​to avert his anger and obtain his favor and blessing: it is, ​therefore, recommended to the several States

That Wednesday, the twenty-sixth day of April next, be set ​apart and observed as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, ​that we may with one heart and one voice implore the ​sovereign Lord of heaven and earth to remember mercy in his ​judgments; to make us sincerely penitent for our ​transgressions; to prepare us for deliverance, and to remove ​the evil with which he hath been pleased to visit us; to banish ​vice and irreligion from among us, and establish virtue and piety ​by his Divine grace; to bless all public councils throughout the ​United States, giving them wisdom, firmness, and unanimity and ​directing them to the best measures for the public good; to ​bless the magistrates and people of every rank, and animate ​and unite the hearts of all to promote the interests of their ​country; to bless the public defence, inspiring all commanders ​and soldiers with magnanimity and perseverance, and giving ​vigor and success to the military operations by sea and land; to ​bless the illustrious sovereign and the nation in alliance with ​these States, and all who interest themselves in support of our ​rights and liberties; to make that alliance of extensive and ​perpetual usefulness to those immediately concerned, and ​mankind in general; to grant fruitful seasons, and to bless our ​industry, trade and manufactures; to bless all schools and ​seminaries of learning, and every means of instruction and ​education; to make wars to cease, and to establish peace ​among the nations.

And it is further recommended that servile labour and ​recreations he forbidden on the said day.

Done in Congress, the Eleventh day of March, in the year of our ​Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty, and in the fourth ​year of our Independence.


Attest, CHA. THOMSON, Secretary.

Tina Kincaid September 16, 2024

The 8th Proclamation issued by the Continental Congress is ​another Prayer official government ​document acknowledging God and His goodness, His ​protection, and His blessings upon the war effort for ​independence from a tyrannical king, recommending a day of " ​public and solemn Thanksgiving" and asking God for His ​continued favor and protection, to all the people of the United ​States.

Continuing proof that our Founders and all those involved in ​establishing and governing our nation believed in God and had ​faith in Him as they were doing their best to establish this nation ​according to His will, believing that doing so would make it ​successful. Which it did!


WHEREAS, it becomes us humbly to approach the throne of ​Almighty God, with gratitude and praise, for the wonders which ​his goodness has wrought in conducting our forefathers to this ​western world; for his protection to them and to their posterity, ​amidst difficulties and dangers; for raising us their children from ​deep distress, to be numbered among the nations of the earth; ​and for arming the hands of just and mighty Princes in our ​deliverance; and especially for that he hath been pleased to ​grant us the enjoyment of health and so to order the revolving ​seasons, that the earth hath produced her increase in ​abundance, blessing the labours of the husbandman, and ​spreading plenty through the land; that he hath prospered our ​arms and those of our ally, been a shield to our troops in the ​hour of danger, pointed their swords to victory, and led them in ​triumph over the bulwarks of the foe; that he hath gone with ​those who went out into the wilderness against the savage ​tribes; that he hath stayed the hand of the spoiler, and turned ​back his meditated destruction; that he hath prospered our ​commerce, and given success to those who sought the enemy ​on the face of the deep; and above all, that he hath diffused the ​glorious light of the gospel, whereby, through the merits of our ​gracious Redeemer, we may become the heirs of his eternal ​glory. Therefore,

RESOLVED, that it be recommended to the several states to ​appoint THURSDAY the 9th Day of December next, to be a day ​of publick and solemn THANKSGIVING to Almighty God, for his ​mercies, and of PRAYER, for the continuance of his favour and ​protection to these United States; to beseech him that he ​would be graciously pleased to influence our publick Councils, ​and bless them with wisdom from on high, with unanimity, ​firmness and success; that he would go forth with our hosts and ​crown our arms with victory; that he would grant to his church, ​the plentiful effusions of divine grace, and pour out his holy ​spirit on all Ministers of the gospel; that he would bless and ​prosper the means of education, and spread the light of ​christian knowledge through the remotest corners of the earth; ​that he would smile upon the labours of his people, and cause ​the earth to bring forth her fruits in abundance, that we may ​with gratitude and gladness enjoy them; that he would take into ​his holy protection, our illustrious ally, give him victory over his ​enemies, and render him finally great, as the father of his ​people, and the protector of the rights of mankind; that he ​would graciously be pleased to turn the hearts of our enemies, ​and to dispence the blessings of peace to contending nations.

That he would in mercy look down upon us, pardon all our sins, ​and receive us into his favour; and finally, that he would ​establish the independence of these United States upon the ​basis of religion and virtue, and support and protect them in the ​enjoyment of peace, liberty and safety

Done in Congress, this Twentieth Day of October, in the Year of ​Our LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Nine, ​and in the Fourth Year of the Independence of the United ​States of America.

Samuel Huntington, President.

Tina Kincaid September 16, 2024

March 20, 1779

The 8th Proclamation issued by the Continental Congress is ​another Prayer official government ​document acknowledging God and His goodness, His ​protection, and His blessings upon the war effort for ​independence from a tyrannical king, recommending a day of " ​public and solemn Thanksgiving" and asking God for His ​continued favor and protection, to all the people of the United ​States.

Continuing proof that our Founders and all those involved in ​establishing and governing our nation believed in God and had ​faith in Him as they were doing their best to establish this nation ​according to His will, believing that doing so would make it ​successful. Which it did!


WHEREAS, it becomes us humbly to approach the throne of ​Almighty God, with gratitude and praise, for the wonders which ​his goodness has wrought in conducting our forefathers to this ​western world; for his protection to them and to their posterity, ​amidst difficulties and dangers; for raising us their children from ​deep distress, to be numbered among the nations of the earth; ​and for arming the hands of just and mighty Princes in our ​deliverance; and especially for that he hath been pleased to ​grant us the enjoyment of health and so to order the revolving ​seasons, that the earth hath produced her increase in ​abundance, blessing the labours of the husbandman, and ​spreading plenty through the land; that he hath prospered our ​arms and those of our ally, been a shield to our troops in the ​hour of danger, pointed their swords to victory, and led them in ​triumph over the bulwarks of the foe; that he hath gone with ​those who went out into the wilderness against the savage ​tribes; that he hath stayed the hand of the spoiler, and turned ​back his meditated destruction; that he hath prospered our ​commerce, and given success to those who sought the enemy ​on the face of the deep; and above all, that he hath diffused the ​glorious light of the gospel, whereby, through the merits of our ​gracious Redeemer, we may become the heirs of his eternal ​glory. Therefore,

RESOLVED, that it be recommended to the several states to ​appoint THURSDAY the 9th Day of December next, to be a day ​of publick and solemn THANKSGIVING to Almighty God, for his ​mercies, and of PRAYER, for the continuance of his favour and ​protection to these United States; to beseech him that he ​would be graciously pleased to influence our publick Councils, ​and bless them with wisdom from on high, with unanimity, ​firmness and success; that he would go forth with our hosts and ​crown our arms with victory; that he would grant to his church, ​the plentiful effusions of divine grace, and pour out his holy ​spirit on all Ministers of the gospel; that he would bless and ​prosper the means of education, and spread the light of ​christian knowledge through the remotest corners of the earth; ​that he would smile upon the labours of his people, and cause ​the earth to bring forth her fruits in abundance, that we may ​with gratitude and gladness enjoy them; that he would take into ​his holy protection, our illustrious ally, give him victory over his ​enemies, and render him finally great, as the father of his ​people, and the protector of the rights of mankind; that he ​would graciously be pleased to turn the hearts of our enemies, ​and to dispence the blessings of peace to contending nations.

That he would in mercy look down upon us, pardon all our sins, ​and receive us into his favour; and finally, that he would ​establish the independence of these United States upon the ​basis of religion and virtue, and support and protect them in the ​enjoyment of peace, liberty and safety

Done in Congress, this Twentieth Day of October, in the Year of ​Our LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Nine, ​and in the Fourth Year of the Independence of the United ​States of America.

Samuel Huntington, President.

Tina Kincaid September 15, 2024

The 7th Proclamation issued March 20, 1779 is another Prayer ​Proclamation.... starts out stating that our nation is being ​punished of our "manifold transgressions" referring to God as ​the "Supreme Disposer of all Events" references Ecclesiastes ​9:11 "The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong".... ​recommends that the people "amend their lives and turn from ​their sins" a direct reference to Scriptures, Jeremiah 35:15 and ​II Chronicles 6:26.... and pray "That He will grant us His Grace to ​repent of our sins and amend our lives, according tho His Holy ​Word" These men not only knew the Bible and teaching, but ​wove it into all their political statements and writings. This ​proclamation is full of Bible references.

March 20, 1779

WHEREAS, in just Punishment of our manifold Transgressions, it ​hath pleased the Supreme Disposer of all Events to visit these ​United States with a calamitous War, through which his Divine ​Providence hath hitherto in a wonderful Manner conducted us, ​so that we might acknowledge that the Race is not to the Swift, ​nor the Battle to the Strong: AND WHEREAS, notwithstanding ​the Chastisements received and Benefits bestowed, too few ​have been sufficiently awakened to a Sense of their Guilt, or ​warmed with Gratitude, or taught to amend their Lives and turn ​from their Sins, that so he might turn his Wrath:

In just Punishment of our manifold Transgressions, it hath ​pleased the Supreme Disposer of all Events to visit these ​United States with a calamitous War

AND WHEREAS, from a Consciousness of what we have ​merited at his Hands, and an Apprehension that the ​Malevolence of our disappointed Enemies, like the Incredulity ​of Pharaoh, may be used as the Scourge of Omnipotence to ​vindicate his slighted Majesty, there is Reason to fear that he ​may permit much of our Land to become the Prey of the ​Spoiler, our Borders to be ravaged, and our Habitations ​destroyed:


THAT it be recommended to the several States to appoint the ​First Thursday in May next to be a Day of Fasting, Humiliation, ​and Prayer to Almighty God, that he will be pleased to avert ​those impending Calamities which we have but too well ​deserved: That he will grant us his Grace to repent of our Sins, ​and amend our Lives according to his Holy Word: That he will ​continue that wonderful Protection which hath led us through ​the Paths of Danger and Distress: That he will be a Husband to ​the Widow, and a Father to the fatherless Children, who weep ​over the Barbarities of a Savage Enemy: That he will grant us ​Patience in Suffering, and Fortitude in Adversity: That he will ​inspire us with Humility, Moderation, and Gratitude in ​prosperous Circumstances: That he will give Wisdom to our ​Councils, Firmness to our Resolutions, and Victory to our Arms: ​That he will bless the Labours of the Husbandman, and pour ​forth Abundance, so that we may enjoy the Fruits of the Earth in ​due Season: That he will cause Union, Harmony, and mutual ​Confidence to prevail throughout these States: That he will ​bestow on our great Ally all those Blessings which may enable ​him to be gloriously instrumental in protecting the Rights of ​Mankind, and promoting the Happiness of his Subjects: That he ​will bountifully continue his paternal Care to the Commander in ​Chief, and the Officers and Soldiers of the United States: That ​he will grant the Blessings of Peace to all contending Nations, ​Freedom to those who are in Bondage, and Comfort to the ​Afflicted: That he will diffuse Useful Knowledge, extend the ​Influence of True Religion, and give us that Peace of Mind ​which the World cannot give: That he will be our Shield in the ​Day of Battle, our Comforter in the Hour of Death, and our kind ​Parent and merciful Judge through Time and through Eternity.

Done in CONGRESS, this Twentieth Day of March, in the Year of ​Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Nine, and ​in the Third Year of our Independence.

JOHN JAY, President.

Attest. CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary.

Tina Kincaid September 14, 2024

Proclamation 6 issued November 17, 1778 recommended a day ​of Thanksgiving and Praise to God, and included was also the ​recommendation of confession and request for forgiveness.

Our founders without a doubt said, We need God and Jesus ​Christ, and that we should live our lives in harmony with God's ​will, own up to our transgressions, amend our ways and obey ​God's will in all things.


It having pleased Almighty God, through the course of the ​present year, to bestow great and manifold mercies on the ​people of these United States; and it being the indispensable ​duty of all men gratefully to acknowledge their obligations to ​Him for benefits received:

Resolved, That it be, and hereby is recommended to the ​legislative or executive authority of each of the said states, to ​appoint Wednesday, the 30th day of December next, to be ​observed as a day of public thanksgiving and praise, that all the ​people may, with united hearts, on that day, express a just ​sense of his unmerited favors; particularly in that it hath pleased ​him, by his overruling providence, to support us in a just and ​necessary war, for the defense of our rights and liberties, by ​affording us seasonable supplies for our armies, by disposing ​the heart of a powerful monarch to enter into alliance with us, ​and aid our cause; by defeating the councils and evil designs of ​our enemies, and giving us victory over their troops; and, by the ​continuance of that union among these states, which, by his ​blessing, will be their future strength and glory.

And it is further recommended, that, together with devout ​thanksgiving, may be joined a penitent confession of our sins, ​and humble supplication for pardon, through the merits of our ​Savior; so that, under the smiles of Heaven, our public councils ​may be directed, our arms by land and sea prospered, our ​liberty and independence secured, our schools and seminaries ​of learning flourish, our trade be revived, our husbandry and ​manufactures increased, and the hearts of all impressed with ​un-dissembled piety, with benevolence and zeal for the public ​good. And it is also recommended, that recreations unsuitable ​to the purpose of such a solemnity may be omitted on that day.

Done in CONGRESS, this 17th day of November, 1778, and in the ​third year of the INDEPENDENCE of the UNITED STATES of ​AMERICA.




Tina Kincaid September 13, 2024

The 5th Proclamation issued by the U.S. Congress March 7, ​1778 was a Proclamation recommending the U.S. Citizens set ​apart a day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. This ​Proclamation acknowledges God and our duty to acknowledge ​Him in all our ways...(Prov. 3:6)....recommends we "confess and ​forsake our evil ways, and implore His mercy..." (Prov ​28:13)...that we humble ourselves before Him, ( I Peter 5:6), ​"that we at one time with one voice"(Exodus 24:3).... "the ​inhabitants may confess their iniquities and transgressions"...​(Leviticus 16:21)... "for which the land mourneth" (Jeremiah ​23:10)..."implore the mercy and forgiveness of god"(Numbers ​14:18-19)... recommended we pray for our military operations, ​ask for blessings on civil rulers and people, and that God would ​bless our schools and seminaries of learning.

A PROCLAMATION For a General FAST, Throughout the United ​States of AMERICA

In CONGRESS March 7th, 1778

Whereas, Almighty God, in the righteous dispensation of his ​providence, hath permitted the continuation of a cruel and ​desolating war in our land; and it being at all times the duty of a ​people to acknowledge God in all his ways, and more especially ​to humble themselves before him when evident tokens of his ​displeasure are manifested; to acknowledge his righteous ​government; confess, and forsake their evil ways; and implore ​his mercy:Resolved, That it be recommended to the United ​States of America to set apart Wednesday, the 22d day of April ​next, to be observed as a day of fasting, humiliation, and ​prayer; that at one time, and with one voice, the inhabitants ​may acknowledge the righteous dispensations of Divine ​Providence, and confess their iniquities and transgressions, for ​which the land mourneth; that they may implore the mercy and ​forgiveness of God; and beseech him that vice, prophaneness, ​extortion, and every evil, may be done away; and that we may ​be a reformed and happy people; that they may unite in ​humble and earnest supplication, that it may please Almighty ​God, to guard and defend us against our enemies, and give ​vigour and success to our military operations by sea and land; ​that it may please him to bless the civil rulers and people, ​strengthen and perpetuate our union, and, in his own good ​time, establish us in the peaceable enjoyment of our rights and ​liberties; that it may please him to bless our schools and ​seminaries of learning, and make them nurseries of true piety, ​virtue and useful knowledge; that it may please him to cause ​the earth to yield its increase, and to crown the year with his ​goodness.And it is recommended to the inhabitants of the ​United States to abstain, on that day, from labour and ​recreations.

By Order of CONGRESS,

Henry Laurens, President,


Charles Thomson, Sec'ry


Tina Kincaid September 12, 2024

I have been sharing each day one of the first Proclamtions ​issued by the Continental Congress. Today is number 4. ​Continuing proof of our Biblical Christian heritage. Christians ​must be involved in our Biblically based government! First order ​of business is All Believers must VOTE and VOTE BIBLICALLY!

The 4th Proclamation issued by the Continental Congress ​November 1, 1777 ... a Prayer Proclamation, again states that it is ​the "duty of all men to adore the superintending Providence of ​Almighty God" referenced I Peter 1:3 "His abundant mercy", ​asking the citizens to set apart a day for "solemn thanksgiving ​and praise, that at one time with one voice" reference to ​Exodus 24:3... "confession of manifold sins, ...their humble and ​earnest supplication...through the merits of Jesus Christ...blot ​them out of remembrance; reference to Isaiah 43:25...That our ​land may yield its increase" reference to Leviticus 26:4 and ​Psalm 85:12, ... "Public Schools necessary for cultivating the ​principles of Liberty, Virtue (Christian morality), and Piety, ​(religious Christian individual)... "Prosper the means of religion, ​for the promotion and enlargement of that kingdom which ​consisteth in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holey Ghost" ​... a direct reference to Romans 14:17.... These men knew the ​Bible so well it permeated their every writing and ​conversation,... in fact every aspect of their very lives!


November 1, 1777

Forasmuch as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore ​the superintending providence of Almighty God; to ​acknowledge with gratitude their obligation to him for benefits ​received, and to implore such farther blessings as they stand in ​need of; and it having pleased him in his abundant mercy not ​only to continue to us the innumerable bounties of his common ​providence, but also smile upon us in the prosecution of a just ​and necessary war, for the defense and establishment of our ​unalienable rights and liberties; particularly in that he hath been ​pleased in so great a measure to prosper the means used for ​the support of our troops and to crown our arms with most ​signal success:

It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive ​powers of these United States, to set apart Thursday, the 18th ​day of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise; that ​with one heart and one voice the good people may express the ​grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to ​the service of their divine benefactor; and that together with ​their sincere acknowledgments and offerings, they may join the ​penitent confession of their manifold sins, whereby they had ​forfeited every favor, and their humble and earnest supplication ​that it may please God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, ​mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance; that it ​may please him graciously to afford his blessings on the ​governments of these states respectively, and prosper the ​public council of the whole; to inspire our commanders both by ​land and sea, and all under them, with that wisdom and ​fortitude which may render them fit instruments, under the ​providence of Almighty God, to secure for these United States ​the greatest of all blessings, independence and peace; that it ​may please him to prosper the trade and manufactures of the ​people and the labor of the husbandman, that our land may ​yield its increase; to take schools and seminaries of education, ​so necessary for cultivating the principles of true liberty, virtue ​and piety, under his nurturing hand, and to prosper the means ​of religion for the promotion and enlargement of that kingdom ​which consisteth in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy ​Ghost.

And it is further recommended, that servile labor, and such ​recreation as, though at other times innocent, may be ​unbecoming the purpose of this appointment, be omitted on so ​solemn an occasion.

By order of Congress

Henry Laurens, President

Tina Kincaid September 11, 2024

The 3rd proclamation issued by the Continental Congress again ​is a prayer proclamation saying that "it becomes public bodies, ​as well as private persons to reverence the Providence of God" ​and asks all the citizens to set aside a "day for solemn fasting ​and humiliation to implore of Almighty God the forgiveness of ​the many sins prevailing among all ranks..." particularly Officers ​civil and military. This proclamation references the articles of ​war which "forbids profane swearing and all other immoralities" ​which is also addressed in the Bible....Exodus 20:7, Leviticus ​19:12, and Ephesians 4: 29-30. The Founders believed and so ​should we, that in order for the military to be successful they ​must show respect and reverence for God.


DECEMBER 11, 1776

Whereas, the just war into which the United Statesof America ​have been forced by Great Britain, is likely to be still continued ​by the same violence and injustice which have hitherto ​animated the enemies of American Freedom: And whereas it ​becomes all public bodies, as well as private Persons to ​reverence the Providence of God, and look up to him as the ​supreme disposer of all events, and the arbiter of the fate of ​nations; Therefore,

Resolved, That it be recommended to all the United States, as ​soon as possible, to appoint a day of solemn fasting and ​humiliation; to implore of Almighty God the forgiveness of the ​many sins prevailing among all ranks, and to beg the ​countenance and assistance of his Providence in the ​prosecution of the present just and necessary war.

The Congress do also, in the most earnest manner, recommend ​to all the members of the United States, and particularly the ​officers civil and military under them, the exercise of ​repentance and reformation; and further, require of them the ​strict observation of the articles of war, and particularly, that ​part of the said articles, which forbids profane swearing, and all ​immorality, of which all such officers are desired to take notice.

It is left to each state to issue out proclamations fixing the days ​that appear most proper within their several Bounds.

Tina Kincaid September 10, 2024

The Second Official Proclamation issued by the Continental ​Congress March 16, 1776, a prayer proclamation to the citizens, ( ​more evidence of our Godly, Biblical heritage, a nation ​established on God, His word, by men of faith!) It declared that ​it is our duty "Publicly to acknowledge the over-ruling ​providence of God..." "Humbly imploring His assistance" in the ​presence of impending danger. referred to God as "Lord of ​Hosts" and the "God of Armies". Recommended to all ​Christians...."all denominations to assemble for public worship. ​mentions "Incorruptible Patriotism and of "pure and undefiled ​religion..." a reference and quote from James 1:27. ​Recommended a day of "fasting, humiliation, prayer"..asking ​everyone to "confess and bewail our transgressions" to God ​through the only means by which God can forgive ​sins..."through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ" To ​pray for our civil leaders which is Biblical mandate. ..."to inspire ​them with an ardent disinterested love of country" which is a ​love for country that is willing to sacrifice one's own concerns ​and do what is right for our country. (Do any of our political ​representatives possess this quality today?) I believe some do ​and I am very thankful for them! But not near enough of them ​possess this quality. Our Founders were very concerned about ​future descendants.... their posterity....that is us.

In Congress

Saturday March 16,1776

In times of impending calamity and distress; when the liberties ​of America are imminently endangered by the secret ​machinations and open assaults of an insidious and vindictive ​administration, it becomes the indispensable duty of these ​hitherto free and happy colonies, with true penitence of heart, ​and the most reverent devotion, publickly to acknowledge the ​over ruling providence of God; to confess and deplore our ​offences against him; and to supplicate his interposition for ​averting the threatened danger, and prospering our strenuous ​efforts in the cause of freedom, virtue, and posterity.

The Congress, therefore, considering the warlike preparations ​of the British Ministry to subvert our invaluable rights and ​priviledges, and to reduce us by fire and sword, by the savages ​of the wilderness, and our own domestics, to the most abject ​and ignominious bondage: Desirous, at the same time, to have ​people of all ranks and degrees duly impressed with a solemn ​sense of God's superintending providence, and of their duty, ​devoutly to rely, in all their lawful enterprises, on his aid and ​direction, Do earnestly recommend, that Friday, the ​Seventeenth day of May next, be observed by the said colonies ​as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer; that we may, with ​united hearts, confess and bewail our manifold sins and ​transgressions, and, by a sincere repentance and amendment ​of life, appease his righteous displeasure, and, through the ​merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, obtain his pardon and ​forgiveness; humbly imploring his assistance to frustrate the ​cruel purposes of our unnatural enemies; and by inclining their ​hearts to justice and benevolence, prevent the further effusion ​of kindred blood. But if, continuing deaf to the voice of reason ​and humanity, and inflexibly bent, on desolation and war, they ​constrain us to repel their hostile invasions by open resistance, ​that it may please the Lord of Hosts, the God of Armies, to ​animate our officers and soldiers with invincible fortitude, to ​guard and protect them in the day of battle, and to crown the ​continental arms, by sea and land, with victory and success: ​Earnestly beseeching him to bless our civil rulers, and the ​representatives of the people, in their several assemblies and ​conventions; to preserve and strengthen their union, to inspire ​them with an ardent, disinterested love of their country; to give ​wisdom and stability to their counsels; and direct them to the ​most efficacious measures for establishing the rights of ​America on the most honourable and permanent basis--That he ​would be graciously pleased to bless all his people in these ​colonies with health and plenty, and grant that a spirit of ​incorruptible patriotism, and of pure undefiled religion, may ​universally prevail; and this continent be speedily restored to ​the blessings of peace and liberty, and enabled to transmit ​them inviolate to the latest posterity. And it is recommended to ​Christians of all denominations, to assemble for public worship, ​and abstain from servile labour on the said day.

John Hancock, President of Congress

Charles Thomson, Secretary.

Tina Kincaid September 4, 2024

Our history....a matter of fact... of the utmost concern and ​importance... Christian involvement in the government of ​America....our VOTE is absolutely necessary for the restoration ​and preservation of our Republic, and our liberties!

Our Founders believed in God, knew His word....the Bible, ​acknowledged God publicly and made every effort to do ​everything according to His will. They prayed and looked to ​God for guidance, and forgiveness, and encouraged all citizens ​to do likewise. They also thanked God for their successes, and ​gave God the credit for their success.

These facts are evident in their writings, in the official records ​of their meetings and discussions, and reflected in their official ​proclamations.

First Proclamation (Official Government Document) issued by ​the Continental Congress in which our Founders appealed to ​the citizens of the 13 Colonies to set aside a day of Humiliation, ​Fasting and Prayer, acknowledges God, acknowledges our duty ​to seek God and rely upon Him, to ask Him for forgiveness, and ​His assistance, asking the citizens to pray for civil rulers and the ​King of whom they were still subjects, to have wisdom and ​discernment, quotes the Bible, Luke 19:42, "the things that ​belong to her peace, before they are hid from her eyes." and ​mentions true religion, Civil and Religious privileges were very ​important. And they were thinking of us....their posterity.


MONDAY JUNE 12, 1775

As the great Governor of the World, by his supreme and ​universal Providence, not only conducts the course of nature ​with unerring wisdom and rectitude, but frequently influences ​the minds of men to serve the wise and gracious purposes of ​his providential government; and it being, at all times, our ​indispensable duty devoutly to acknowledge his superintending ​providence, especially in times of impending danger and public ​calamity, to reverence and adore his immutable justice as well ​as to implore his merciful interposition for our deliverance:

This Congress, therefore, considering the present critical, ​alarming and calamitous state of these colonies, do earnestly ​recommend that Thursday, the 20th day of July next, be ​observed, by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this ​continent, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer; that ​we may, with united hearts and voices, unfeignedly confess and ​deplore our many sins; and offer up our joint supplications to ​the all-wise, omnipotent, and merciful Disposer of all events; ​humbly beseeching him to forgive our iniquities, to remove our ​present calamities, to avert those desolating judgments, with ​which we are threatened, and to bless our rightful sovereign, ​King George the third, and [to] inspire him with wisdom to ​discern and pursue the true interest of all his subjects, that a ​speedy end may be put to the civil discord between Great ​Britain and the American colonies, without farther effusion of ​blood: And that the British nation may be influenced to regard ​the things that belong to her peace, before they are hid from ​her eyes: That these colonies may be ever under the care and ​protection of a kind Providence, and be prospered in all their ​interests; That the divine blessing may descend and rest upon ​all our civil rulers, and upon the representatives of the people, ​in their several assemblies and conventions, that they may be ​directed to wise and effectual measures for preserving the ​union, and securing the just rights and privileges of the ​colonies; That virtue and true religion may revive and flourish ​throughout our land; And that all America may soon behold a ​gracious interposition of Heaven, for the redress of her many ​grievances, the restoration of her invaded rights, a ​reconciliation with the parent state, on terms constitutional and ​honorable to both; And that her civil and religious privileges ​may be secured to the latest posterity.

And it is recommended to Christians, of all denominations, to ​assemble for public worship, and to abstain from servile labour ​and recreations on said day.

By order of the Congress

John Hancock, President

Charles Thompson, Secretary


Tina Kincaid September 4, 2024

"Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any ​people." Prov 14:34

Our Founding Fathers were concerned about future ​generations as well as their own when they wrote the ​Constitution, establishing our Republic. They acknowledged ​they had done so in order to "secure the blessings of liberty to ​ourselves and our posterity". Reflecting this concern, in an ​Election Sermon, preached to the Connecticut legislature, Rev. ​Mathias Burnet admonished citizens and leaders:

"To God and posterity you are accountable, for your rights and ​your rulers.....Let not your children have reason to curse you for ​giving up those rights and prostrating those institutions which ​your fathers delivered to you."

Christians will give an account to God for whether or not we ​have preserved our God given rights, the He has entrusted to ​us, and we will also answer to our posterity. Whether or not ​America will prosper in the future depends on its righteousness ​today.

Every political concern should be guided by issues of ​righteousness, but in the present time political concerns and ​citizen votes are guided instead by issues of economics, what is ​good for my job, my pocketbook, for the economy, or what can ​government do for me.

When Jesus disciples became focused on such worries, like ​food, clothing, income, homes and land, He reminded them if ​they would "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness", all of ​their economic concerns would be taken care of. The Bible is ​full of instruction on doing business, making provision for your ​family, working, education, and proper government.

Francis Grimke, born to a slave mother in 1850 in South ​Carolina, he served as a valet in the Confederate Army, then ​after the war attended Lincoln University, Howard University, ​and Princeton Theological Seminary and became a minister of ​the Gospel in Washington D.C. He witnessed the splitting apart ​of America, but was convinced that our nation would remain ​united, but warned in a sermon that:

"If the time ever comes when we shall go to pieces, it will be ​from inward corruption-- from the disregard of right ​principles....from losing sight of the fact that "righteousness ​exalteth a nation, but that sin is a reproach to any people." ​....The secession of the southern States in 1860 was a small ​matter with the secession of the Union itself from the great ​principles enunciated in the Declaration of Independence, in ​the Golden Rule, in the Ten Commandments, in the Sermon on ​the Mount. Unless we hold, and hold firmly to these great ​fundamental principles of righteousness our Union will be "only ​a covenant with death and an agreement with hell" (Isaiah ​28:18). "

When voting for our candidates for elected office Christians ​must make their first and foremost concern not what can be ​done for their pocketbook or their job, but rather whether that ​official will advance policies upholding Biblical standards of ​righteousness. Biblical rights and wrongs on moral issues must ​always take precedence, over economic, environmental, health ​care, energy, or any other issues. Whether and in what ​condition America will continue to exist into the future is ​completely dependent upon how strongly we embrace and ​apply Biblical lessons on all of our civic and personal affairs.

It is the responsibility of all Christians and the Church ​leadership to educate and inform all people of the blessings of ​Liberty and the history and foundation of our government that ​was established on the Bible, and God's will for people to live ​free, in peace and prosperity. It is in the Bible we just need to ​learn it and teach it and live by it.

Tina Kincaid September 4, 2024

"Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any ​people." Prov 14:34

Our Founding Fathers were concerned about future ​generations as well as their own when they wrote the ​Constitution, establishing our Republic. They acknowledged ​they had done so in order to "secure the blessings of liberty to ​ourselves and our posterity". Reflecting this concern, in an ​Election Sermon, preached to the Connecticut legislature, Rev. ​Mathias Burnet admonished citizens and leaders:

"To God and posterity you are accountable, for your rights and ​your rulers.....Let not your children have reason to curse you for ​giving up those rights and prostrating those institutions which ​your fathers delivered to you."

Christians will give an account to God for whether or not we ​have preserved our God given rights, the He has entrusted to ​us, and we will also answer to our posterity. Whether or not ​America will prosper in the future depends on its righteousness ​today.

Every political concern should be guided by issues of ​righteousness, but in the present time political concerns and ​citizen votes are guided instead by issues of economics, what is ​good for my job, my pocketbook, for the economy, or what can ​government do for me.

When Jesus disciples became focused on such worries, like ​food, clothing, income, homes and land, He reminded them if ​they would "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness", all of ​their economic concerns would be taken care of. The Bible is ​full of instruction on doing business, making provision for your ​family, working, education, and proper government.

Francis Grimke, born to a slave mother in 1850 in South ​Carolina, he served as a valet in the Confederate Army, then ​after the war attended Lincoln University, Howard University, ​and Princeton Theological Seminary and became a minister of ​the Gospel in Washington D.C. He witnessed the splitting apart ​of America, but was convinced that our nation would remain ​united, but warned in a sermon that:

"If the time ever comes when we shall go to pieces, it will be ​from inward corruption-- from the disregard of right ​principles....from losing sight of the fact that "righteousness ​exalteth a nation, but that sin is a reproach to any people." ​....The secession of the southern States in 1860 was a small ​matter with the secession of the Union itself from the great ​principles enunciated in the Declaration of Independence, in ​the Golden Rule, in the Ten Commandments, in the Sermon on ​the Mount. Unless we hold, and hold firmly to these great ​fundamental principles of righteousness our Union will be "only ​a covenant with death and an agreement with hell" (Isaiah ​28:18). "

When voting for our candidates for elected office Christians ​must make their first and foremost concern not what can be ​done for their pocketbook or their job, but rather whether that ​official will advance policies upholding Biblical standards of ​righteousness. Biblical rights and wrongs on moral issues must ​always take precedence, over economic, environmental, health ​care, energy, or any other issues. Whether and in what ​condition America will continue to exist into the future is ​completely dependent upon how strongly we embrace and ​apply Biblical lessons on all of our civic and personal affairs.

It is the responsibility of all Christians and the Church ​leadership to educate and inform all people of the blessings of ​Liberty and the history and foundation of our government that ​was established on the Bible, and God's will for people to live ​free, in peace and prosperity. It is in the Bible we just need to ​learn it and teach it and live by it.

Tina Kincaid September 1, 2024

A matter of fact: our freedom was given to us from God not to ​do what we want to do, but to do what we ought to do.

As so many of America’s politicians are doing their best to undo ​what our forefathers established through a clear violation and ​transgression of their sworn oaths (1 John 3:4), it is amazing to ​see the number of people in this country today that are willing ​to submit (Deuteronomy 28:68) to the tyrannies that our ​forefathers had taught us, by their examples, to resist, ​tooppose and to throw off.

Because King George III did not submit to the Lord ​(Deuteronomy 17:15-20) in his administration and obligations as ​God’s magistrate towards men (Romans 13:4), our forefathers ​opposed him.

John Hancock, first signer of the Declaration of Independence ​said, “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social ​duty of each individual… Continue steadfast and, with a proper ​sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights ​which Heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” ​(History of the United States of America, Vol. 2 p. 229)

Did they practice what it was that they were preaching (Exodus ​20:7; James 2:14-26)? Absolutely they did! Just go read what it ​was that they would no longer submit to when dealing with the ​usurpations of the tyrannical king that refused to be ruled by ​God (Romans

12:21), in the Declaration of Independence."

As believers and Christians, we are called to oppose evil and to ​obey God. God's way is for our own good and blessing. God's ​way always works best! "We must obey God rather than men." ​Acts 5:29.

Tina Kincaid August 31, 2024

""Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth before ​the evil

days come...Eccl 12:1A

We all are familiar with Noah Webster because of his Dictionary ​of the

American English Language. He learned 26 different languages ​in order

to research to origins of his own country's language. In addition ​to this

great work, he is has been titled as "School Master to America" ​because

of his extensive efforts in early American education, writing ​many textbooks

for the schools, like spelling books, and books on grammar, ​history,government,

geography, economics, agriculture, and manners and morals.

His school books were used for decades after his death and ​many of them had

a picture of him with this statement above his picture: "Noah ​Webster. Who taught

millions to read, but not one to sin." ( A Speller and Definer, ​inside front cover)

One way that he helped students to avoid sin was instructing ​them in the principles

of God's Word.

" I would commend to you at this early period of life to become ​well acquainted with

the Scriptures and with the facts and arguments that support ​their authenticity and their

Divine origin. Nothing is more common that for young men to ​fall into skepticism merely

for want of a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures." (Letters ​To A Young Gentleman

Commencing His Education p63)

"It is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should ​early understand the genuine

source of correct republican principles in the Bible, particularly ​the New Testament or the

Christian religion." (Noah Webster, History of the United States, ​p 6, preface)

"The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of ​Christ and His apostles, which

enjoins humility, piety, and benevolence; which acknowledges ​in ever person a brother, or a

sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine ​Christianity, and to this we owe our

free constitutions of government." ( Webster, History of The ​United States p 300)

The scripture verse quoted first is found on the rear flyleaf ​inside Webster's Speller along with

other passages from the Bible.

Helping students remember their Creator in their youth was a ​goal of American education in general and of Noah Webster in ​particular. Given the present state of disrepair our public ​education system struggles with today, a return to these same ​objectives is a worth consideration today.

Tina Kincaid August 30, 2024

"But select capable men from all the people--men who fear ​God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain--and appoint ​them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens." ​Exodus 18:21

When we ask God for representatives to select that ​demonstrate Biblical principles and values, I pray that we all ​understand that no one candidate is perfect because they are ​human and make mistakes, but I pray we will recognize those ​people that God has presented to us to choose, andvote for the ​candidates that more closely resemble the qualifications God ​gives in his word. He still gives us the choice. I pray that ALL ​believers will vote in all elections, and that we all vote Biblically, ​because it IS our duty and responsibility!

Tina Kincaid August 28, 2024

As Christians and citizens of this nation that our Founders ​established based upon God's form of government, we are in a ​battle between good and evil and ALL of us must do our part in ​this battle. Silence, complacency, neutrality and inaction in the ​face of evil are not an option! The laws that were passed last ​year are a part of the evil that we have allowed to take place ​here in NM are the evil Christians are called to stand up against. ​We must not comply! Perhaps we are here and called "for such ​a time as this". Please pray, be in God's Word asking Him for ​help in your decisions to do your part standing agsinst the evil ​laws that threaten our our and our children's future in Christian ​liberty!

The responsibility to secure and preserve liberty for our ​children and grandchildren is in our hands!

Our Founders plan for our nation's form of government....for the ​liberties that they prayed for and worked, sacrificed and fought ​for has been left for us just in case we forget (and many have ​forgotten and need to be reminded) in an 81 foot tall solid ​granite monument....The Monument to the Forefathers.

Please take a closer look at the monument and all the statues ​and what they stand for. Faith the main largest statue, is ​pointing up toward heaven with one hand and holding a well ​read Bible in the other. Some of the smaller statues are of ​Morality, Law, Education. The early settlers and our our ​Founders knew the importance and the connection between ​education and liberty, and they recognized that people cannot ​be ignorant and remain free.

The Pilgrim Mother included in the monument's many carvings ​has this message "They brought up their families in sturdy ​virtue and a living faith in God, without which nations perish."

Noah Webster wrote: "The education of youth is an ​employment of more consequence than making laws and ​preaching the Gospel, because it lays the foundation on which ​both law and gospel rest."

From a Biblical perspective this is absolutely true because ​biblical education is a very important key component of ​preaching the Gospel, and a successful society.

Now that we have laws in our nation that are completely and ​totally in opposition to God's word and His will for us in this life, ​we as believers and Christians must not comply, but must resist ​and we must do what needs to be done to restore God's place ​in our "One Nation under God", to make sure our laws are in ​complete and total allignment with God's laws.

Interested in learning how, or being reminded it IS scriptural to ​resist and not comply with evil mandates and laws? Message ​me, or call 575-706-0704 and we can set up a time to learn ​about "The Morality of Resistance."

When the government becomes tyrannical, the people of God ​have a duty to not comply. "We must obey God rather than ​man" Acts 5:29

Tina Kincaid August 26, 2024

“l"In all labor there is profit." Prov 14:23

Among all the virtues in the Bible to be incorporated into our ​daily lives is hard work. From the very beginning, God ​commanded "Six days shall you labor" (Exodus 20:9; Deut 5:13). ​Notice that God doesn't say "can labor", He says "shall ​labor". For centuries the work day was 6 days, but for a long ​time now it has been 5, and across Europe and in many ​instances in America, the push is being made to shorten it ​further to 4 days, and the number of hours worked in a week ​has been declining as well. There is a constant push for less ​work and more free time. The Bible encourages the opposite. In ​addition to the verse above, there is:

Prov 12:11 "He who tills the land will have plenty of bread."

Prov 12:14 " And the deeds of a man's hands will return to him."

Ephesians 4:28 " He must labor, performing with his own hands ​what is good, so that he will have something to share with one ​who is in need."

Thess 4: 11-12 "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and ​ with your that you will ...not be in any need.."

Proverbs 18:9 " He also who is slack in his work is brother to him ​who destroys."

Because hard work (what our founders termed as "industry") ​was such an important Biblical trait, our founders and early ​leaders and citizens in this nation, inculcated it in their children ​from their earliest years, as John Adams said:

" The education of our children is never out of my mind. Train ​them to virtue. Habituate them to industry (hard work), activity, ​and spirit."

Thomas Jefferson told his daughter:

"It is your future happiness which interests me, and nothing can ​contribute more to it (moral rectitude always excepted) than ​the contracting habit of industry and activity. Of all the cankers ​(enemies) of human happiness, none corodes with so silent yet ​baneful an influence as indolence (laziness). Body and mind ​both unemployed, our being (existence) becomes a burden and ​every object about us loathsome, even the dearest."

Noah Webster told his students, "Labor is one of the best ​preservatives both of health and of moral habits."

They also associated labor with morals:

"Habits of industry (hard work)...prevent the introduction of ​many vices and are intimately connected to sobriety and good ​morals. Idleness is the mother or nurse of almost every vice; ​and want(lust), which is its inseparable companion, urges men ​on to the most abandoned and destructive courses. Industry, ​therefore, is a moral duty of greatest moment, absolutely ​necessary to national prosperity, and the sure way of obtaining ​the blessings of God."

"No man can read the Bible and be lazy. Christianity increases a ​man's wants, and therefore increases his capacity for labor." ~ ​Booker T. Washington ~

Our founders believed that hard work and morals were ​inseparably connected and that one facilitated the other. They ​even attributed the generally increased immorality to the ​reduced opportunities for hard work and increased leisure time.

In the past, especially on farms and ranches, and in family ​owned and operated businesses the work day was from sunup ​to sundown, or longer and at night you slept because you were ​tired,..... and it was a good tired.

And as Mike Rowe says:

Tina Kincaid August 25, 2024

“There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was ​lost, and religious liberty preserved entire.” John Witherspoon

Our Declaration of Independence says ... all men are created ​equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable ​rights. The true believer holds to these principles. The true ​Christian knows that our Liberty is a gift from God and the ​Christian should know "to whom much is given, much is ​required." (Luke 12:48) Christians should know that when God ​gives a gift, He expects us to care for, preserve and prosper ​that gift for the future. (Matthew 25:14-30)

So when the majority of believing Christians sit back and do ​nothing not even casting their vote for candidates who meet ​the qualifications that God gives us for elected officials (Exodus ​18:21) while our government grows beyond our consent, beyond ​our Constitution, and to the destruction of God's gifts to us, WE ​ARE the ones who are to blame! And we are the ones who can ​effect the needed corrections. God can and will heal our nation ​if Christians will get involved. God works through His people, ​the Church. His Word instructs us in ALL things including ​governing our nation.

If you want to learn the truth about this please take the ​"Morality of Resistance" class at

I have the class on DVD and would be glad to show to any who ​wants to learn more.

itful life and serves as a life-giving example for us today.

Tina Kincaid August 21, 2024

"So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And ​as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath ​day, and stood up to read. And He was handed the book of the ​prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found ​the place where it was written:

"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has ​anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent ​me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to ​captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable ​year of the LORD. Then He closed the book, and gave it back to ​the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the ​synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, ​Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."

Luke 4:16-21

Jesus had announced His mission: He was sent by God to fulfill ​the prophecy in Isaiah, which involved spreading the Good ​News, proclaiming liberty and freedom, and healing for people's ​hurt. This is our mission also for "as He is, so also are we in this ​world." I John 4:17

Founding Father John Quincy Adams regularly invoked these ​Scriptures in Luke and Isaiah in his unwavering and active ​opposition to slavery. He entered Congress at a time when anti ​slavery measures he introduced were regularly defeated, but ​he persisted, even though death threats were often made ​against him, and in 1835 Congress passed a "gag rule" to ​prevent him from talking about it but he refused to relent. In ​1841, with bad eyesight and trembling hands, and elderly,he ​once again used his skills as attorney and speaker, to defend 53 ​Africans who had been kidnapped and made slaves. He ​delivered a speech before the Supreme Court that lasted for 9 ​hours and spanned 3 days, and even though there was only 1 ​justice on the court at that time that opposed slavery, he won ​the case, freeing the Africans.

In 1844, Congress rescinded the "gag rule" and Adams ​proclaimed: Blessed...forever blessed be the name of God!"

His personal philosophy was in his words: "Duty is ours; results ​are God's."

This philosophy, joined to his commission from Luke 4 and ​Isaiah 61, was a guide for how he lived his long and truly fruitful ​life and serves as a life-giving example for us today.

Tina Kincaid August 18, 2024

Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown (it is ​happening now!) our present republican form of government ​(which our U.S. Constitution guarantees) then all the blessings ​which flow from them, will fall with them.

If every person who loves the simple Christian principles and ​values of republican government, will just do their duty, that ​Almighty Power which "chastens only to heal" will not forsake ​our country, nor give it over forever into the hands of those who ​"fear not God, nor regard man."

The somber, far reaching, long lasting repercussions from our ​action or lack of action will either help restore our liberties or ​will continue to contribute to the loss of them all. Our ​grandchildren and our posterity will ultimately suffer the most. ​When there is indifference and lack of action (not voting) ​among people of faith, wrong principles and policies will be ​everywhere, and this is the case at this point in our history. ​When it comes to sound government the greatest enemy is not ​"them" but the inaction, non-involvement and complacency of ​those believers...those good folks who do nothing, not even ​vote.

YOUR VOTE IS YOUR VOICE! When you decide not to vote, it is ​not rebellion against what you believe is wrong….IT IS ​SURRENDER! DON’T SURRENDER! VOTE IN NOVEMBER AND ​VOTE BIBLICALLY!

Tina Kincaid August 16, 2024

"For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our ​instruction, so

that through perseverance and the encouragement of the ​Scriptures we might

have hope." Romans 15: 4

"And thus I aspired to preach the gospel, not where Christ was ​already named,

so that I would not build on another man's foundation; but as it ​is written, 'They

who had no news of Him shall see, and they who have not heard ​shall understand.'"

Romans 15: 20-21

In 1800 Congress decided to hold worship services every ​Sunday in the Hall of

House of Representatives. These services were attended by ​representatives,

senators, U.S. presidents, and citizens from across the region. It ​was reported

by Margaret Bayard Smith, a city resident who regularly ​attended there that;

"Not only the chaplains but the most distinguished clergymen ​who visit the

city preached at the capitol....Preachers of every sect and ​denomination of

Christians were there admitted." (The First Forty Years of ​Washington Society)

John Quincy Adams, U. S. president from 1825-1829, regularly ​attended. He was

a strong and outspoken Christian. Every Sunday he made entry ​in his diary of who

the speaker was, the scriptures used and the message ​delivered, along with his

personal observations on the service.

Tina Kincaid August 12, 2024

1st day of school ..... a lesson from The New England Primer, ​published 1777, a school book used in early American Schools ​well into the 1930's. Millions of American children learned to ​read from the New England Primer and the Bible :

From page 9: " A Lesson for Children. Pray to God. Love God. ​Fear God. Serve God. Take not God's Name in vain. Do not ​swear. Do not steal. Cheat not in your play. Play not with bad ​boys. Call no ill names. Use not ill words. Tell no Lies. Speak the ​Truth. Spend your Time well. Love your School. Mind your Book. ​Strive to learn. Be not a Dunce."

Tina Kincaid August 8, 2024

“They gave him seventy pieces of silver from the house of Baal-​berith with which Abimelech hired worthless and reckless ​fellows, and they followed him.” Judges 9:4 NAS

“Once the trees went to anoint a king over them, and they said ​to the olive tree, ‘Reign over us!’ But the olive tree said to them, ​‘Shall I give up my fatness with which God and mankind are ​honored, and go to wave over the trees?’ Then the trees said to ​the fig tree, ‘You, come, reign over us!’ But the fig tree said to ​them, ‘Shall I give up my sweetness and my good fruit, and go ​to wave over the trees?’ Then the trees said to the vine, ‘You, ​come, reign over us!’ But the vine said to them, ‘Shall I give up ​my new wine, which cheers God and mankind, and go to wave ​over the trees?’ Then all the trees said to the bramble, ‘You, ​come, reign over us!’ And the bramble said to the trees, ‘If you ​really are anointing me as king over you, come and take refuge ​in my shade; but if not, may fire come out of the bramble and ​consume the cedars of Lebanon.” Judges 9:8-15 NAS

There is always something we can learn from the Bible that ​applies to us today, in every area of our lives on this earth. The ​Bible does cover governing and government. The first thing we ​find in this account, is that efforts were made to recruit the ​good, productive among the trees to be in charge and they all ​refused to serve. And so, they ended up with “thornbushes” or ​brambles which are not good. Second, once the thornbushes or ​brambles were in charge, “resting in their shade wasn’t ​pleasant, and if the “trees” didn’t submit to them, punishment ​was inflicted, confirming the Scripture in Proverbs to be true, ​“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But ​when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” Proverbs 29:2

So, when good God-fearing people don’t run for office, then we ​get the dishonest, corrupt power-hungry folks in office. If we ​have good God-fearing people who do run for office, then we ​have good people who don’t want to vote, saying that “Politics ​is corrupt, I want nothing to do with such a wicked system” but ​it’s corrupt because the good people refuse to run for office, or ​volunteer or VOTE! Which results in the corrupt, dishonest ​power-hungry folks being elected to office and we have a ​corrupt system.

Remember God instructs us as to who we should choose in ​Exodus Chapter 18:21 “Furthermore, you shall select out of all ​the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who ​hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as ​leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.”

Voting is our duty as Christians and Citizens of this Nation ​under God. We are to Vote for those candidates who meet the ​qualifications that God gives us in His Word. We are also to be ​involved in the support and campaigns of the candidates and ​encouraging the good people to vote. Everyone who cares ​about living a peaceful, productive, prosperous life in Liberty in ​this country must VOTE and be involved in the selection of the ​BIBLICALLY qualified candidates and some good people need ​to be candidates themselves.

Ben Franklin said: “It is observable that God has often called ​men to places of dignity and honor when they have been busy ​in the honest employment if their vocation. Saul was seeking his ​father’s asses, and David keeping his father’s sheep when ​called to the kingdom. …God called four Apostles from their ​fishery, and Matthew from the receipt of custom; Amos from ​among the herdsmen from Tekoah, Moses from keeping ​Jethro’s sheep, Gideon from the threshing floor, etc. God never ​encourages idleness and despises not persons in the meanest ​employments” [simplest vocations]. As Ben Franklin said, (who ​by the way we have always been told wasn’t a believer but here ​he was quoting truth found in God’s word, in the Bible God ​always chose hardworking, common individuals for leaders, or ​persons of authority.

In this passage of Judges, we see Abimelech pushing himself ​on others, bribing and scheming to get his public office. Our ​Founders knew that the best candidates for office were busy ​hardworking productive individuals and also those who were ​asked to serve by their friends, neighbors, and colleagues who ​knew the person well, not the ones who promoted themselves ​for notoriety and personal gain. Just like the Olive, Fig and Vine ​were recruited by the other trees. The Founders also thought ​that if someone were asked to serve in whatever capacity in ​government and politics, he was not to refuse the request.

Founder Benjamin Rush said this: “He [a citizen] must love ​private life, but he must decline not the station, however public ​or responsible it may be, when called to it by the suffrages ​[votes] of his fellow citizens.” It is time understand and accept ​this truth and be willing to serve in what ever capacity you are ​asked. If we are to preserve our nation and restore it to what ​our Founders envisioned a free nation in which we all have ​equal opportunity to fulfill what ever dreams and goals we may ​have in life. ALL good God-fearing believing people need to get ​involved now. We invite you all to volunteer to help where you ​can! If nothing else just VOTE IN NOVEMBER AND VOTE ​BIBLICALLY!

Tina Kincaid July 29, 2024

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God ​for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also ​to the Greek." Romans 1:16

Jesus declared in Luke 9:26 that "everyone who confesses Me ​before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in ​heaven."

Because the open and public acknowledgement of Christ has ​been a timeless indicator of one's personal Christian faith, such ​public professions were numerous among America's Founding ​Fathers. But most citizens today don't know of such ​professions, because critics have wrongly convinced millions of ​Americans that they were a collective group of atheists, ​agnostics, and deists. These absurd claims survive only ​because not very many people today actually take the time to ​read the Founders own writings, and this includes both the men ​and women during the founding era. There are so many rich ​and inspiring accounts and writings of brave and faithful women ​as well as men who were instrumental in establishing our unique ​government, that was referred to as the "great experiment".

Most of the original writings are available and should be read by ​all citizens. Our history is not the boring sets of dates and ​places presented in our school history books. And yes there are ​some bad things in our history as there is in any historical ​account of nations. We get the good, bad and ugly in the ​Scriptures, and so we should get the good along with the not so ​good accounts of our own history as well.

There are over 60 published writings of George Washington ​which include nearly 20,000 of his personal letters. Thomas ​Jefferson has nearly 70 volumes of published works with some ​19,000 private letters, and so on with Benjamin Franklin, John ​Adams, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, Thomas ​Paine, Samuel Adams, and many many more. These writings ​allow us to know who these men really were, and what they ​believed. And they all publicly acknowledged their belief in God ​and Jesus Christ.

Patrick Henry stated: "Being a a character which I ​prize far above all this world has or can boast."

And Richard Henry Lee, wrote describing what he had seen in ​the Founders' writings:

"The wise and great men of those days were not ashamed ​publicly to confess the name of our blessed Lord and Savior ​Jesus Christ! In behalf of the people, as their representatives ​and rulers, they acknowledged the sublime doctrine of His ​mediation!"

Later generations also reached the same conclusion, including ​the U.S. Congress in 1854, when it declared:

"In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity...that was ​the religion of the Founders of the republic and they expected ​it to remain the religion of their descendants."

A public testimony of personal faith in Christ has always been ​important for a Christian. Not only did many of America's ​Founders openly declare their faith in Christ, but they ​demonstrated it in their lives and character as well. Today's ​believers would do well to emulate their example, both in word ​and deed, and make clear to everyone, that we too are "not ​ashamed of the gospel" anywhere, everywhere, any time, ​work, at school, at play, and especially in government!

Tina Kincaid July 28, 2024

"You have a mighty arm; Strong is Your hand and high is Your ​right hand. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of ​Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face." Psalm ​89:13-14

In Chapter 8 of Nehemiah Ezra reads the law to the people. God ​established His people as an independent nation, and while ​they were faithful, as a nation they were blessed, but when they ​turned away from God and His ways for them, they were once ​again placed into captivity, and slavery. The book of Nehemiah ​records the rebuilding of the new nation, and key to that effort, ​were the efforts of both Nehemiah the governor and Ezra the ​priest.

God ordained and established that the roles of State and ​Church be kept separate, but He always allowed the 2 separate ​institutions to assist and afford mutually positive and beneficial ​influence each other, so long as one didn't control the other.

One area in which Ezra and Nehemiah cooperated was in ​ensuring that everyone, both citizens and leaders, understood ​how the principles of God's Word applied to EVERY aspect of ​life and culture. In the reading of the law, the assembly of ​people included both civil and religious leaders, as well the ​citizenry. A similar gathering took place in II Kings 23:2, where ​all the people gathered to hear "all the words of the words of ​the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the ​LORD."

These same types of assemblies involving both civil and ​religious leaders occurred on a yearly basis in early America. At ​the beginning of each legislative session, civil leaders, ​governor, lieutenant governor, and members of the house and ​senate, would gather with religious leaders from across the ​state, and a minister would address the assembly in what was ​known as the annual election sermon. This sermon would cover ​Biblical principles of fundamental law, inalienable rights, ​republican government (as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution ​Article IV section 4), and other general principles of ​government according to God's Word. It might also address ​specific issues to be addressed in that particular legislative ​session, like education, immigration, economics, or any other ​issue. The Bible has much guidance and instruction on all these ​and even more very important issues like marriage, abortion ​and homosexuality. There are absolutes that people must know ​and leaders must address and be in compliance with the ​Scriptures in order to be blessed and to be a blessing.

"The clergy were generally consulted by the civil authorities, ​and not infrequently, the suggestions from the pulpit on ​election days and other special occasions were enacted into ​laws.....The annual "Election Sermon" a perpetual memorial ​continued down through the generations.....still bears witness ​that our fathers began their civil year and its responsibilities ​with an appeal to Heaven and recognized Christian morality as ​the only basis of good laws." John Wingate Thornton, early ​historian.

Civic officials often ordered the Election Sermon be printed, ​often at government expense, and distributed across the state.

Most of us are completely unaware of how frequently in the ​Scriptures God sent His ministers to civil officials either to be ​given guidance on good policy or confront them about bad ​policy. There are scores of examples, and plenty of material for ​a Bible class on this subject.

There is NO Biblical model whereby God demands that His ​ministers remain silent and separate from either civil leaders or ​civil issues. But many in the Church today have wrongly allowed ​secular voices to convince them that government is an entity ​with which Christians and Pastors are to avoid any involvement ​or contact. Instead the Bible is loaded with accounts of God's ​ministers speaking into the civil arena and speaking directly to ​and about our civil leaders. We are called to be "salt and light". ​America's long standing practice has been to welcome such ​wisdom and emulate this Biblical example through the use of ​the annual election sermon...another of the many features of ​American government and culture that has a clear Biblical ​precedent.

Tina Kincaid July 25, 2024

In colonial America, the Bible, the Bay Psalm Book and the New ​England Primer were the textbooks for school children. The ​New England Primer taught the ABC's by children memorizing ​basic biblical truths and lessons about life. "A - In Adam's fall, ​we sinned all. B- Heaven to find, the bible mind. C- Christ ​crucified for sinners died", and so on. The Primer was the ​second best-selling book in the American colonies, the Bible ​was number one. Because America's founders believed in God ​and had faith in Him, they encouraged, and promoted the ​reading of the Bible in the schools and everywhere. The ​majority of the citizenry had Bibles and read them. Our nation ​was mostly Christian and held to the values and principles ​taught in the Bible. As a result God blessed this nation more ​than any other nation in the history of the world.

Some states are now putting the Bible back in to the schools, ​because they realize the need of that absolute truth.....that solid ​foundation that made America great!

Tina Kincaid July 24, 2024

There are many examples of references made to God and The ​Bible during the debates on the Constitution and early ​Constitutional Convention, the most unequivocal evidence of ​the influence of the Bible on the Constitutional Convention ​comes from a statement made by Dr.Benjamin Franklin, which ​many believe him to have been one of the least religious men of ​those involved. In the middle of the discussion of the eligibility ​requirements for the legislature, Dr. Franklin said:

“We should remember the character which the Scripture ​requires in Rulers, that they should be men hating ​covetousness.”

Here we have one of the most prominent of our founding ​fathers, one of only six men to have signed both the Declaration ​of Independence and the Constitution, advising the members ​of the Constitutional Convention to turn to the Scriptures for ​instruction on how to form the government. It stands as ​undeniable evidence of the Biblical foundation upon which our ​nation was built. And here are more of Dr. Franklin's wise words ​during their deliberations: "In this situation of this Assembly, ​groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarce ​able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it ​happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of ​humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our ​understandings? In the beginning of the Contest with G. Britain, ​when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this ​room for the divine protection.- Our prayers, Sir, were heard, & ​they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in ​the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a ​superintending providence in our favor. To that kind providence ​we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the ​means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we ​now forgotten that powerful friend? or do we imagine that we ​no longer need his assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and ​the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- ​that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot ​fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an ​empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in ​the sacred writings, that "except the Lord build the House they ​labour in vain that build it." I firmly believe this; and I also believe ​that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political ​building no better, than the Builders of Babel: We shall be ​divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be ​confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and ​bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may ​hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of ​establishing Governments by Human wisdom and leave it to ​chance, war and conquest.

I therefore beg leave to move-that henceforth prayers ​imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our ​deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before ​we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of ​this City be requested to officiate in that Service-

And so began the practice of prayer before each meeting.

Tina Kincaid July 21, 2024

LIn reading over some of the Proclamations issued to the ​American people by Congress, when our our nation was being ​born and just after, it is evident that our founders had a strong ​belief and faith in God, and felt it was not only their ​responsibility but their duty to encourage and promote ​thankfulness to God for all the successes and blessings of their ​endeavors for liberty and justice, and to also remind the people ​to give God thanks and to also appeal to Him for forgiveness ​and His continued assistance and blessings upon this nation, so ​that we would not only prosper but that the Gospel of Christ ​would be spread, not only here in America but around the ​world. For example, in a Proclamation issued by Congress ​October 18, 1780 it reads in part..."It is therefore recommended ​to the several States to set apart Thursday the Seventh Day of ​December next, to be observed as a Day of public ​THANKSGIVING and PRAYER. That all the People may ​assemble on that Day, to celebrate the Praises to our Divine ​Benefactor. To confess our unworthiness of the least of his ​Favours, and to offer our fervent Supplications to the God of all ​Grace; ---that it may please him to pardon our heinous ​Transgressions, and incline our hearts for the future to keep all ​his Laws;---to comfort and relieve our Brethren who are in any ​wise afflicted or distressed;---to smile upon our Husbandry and ​Trade;--- to direct our public Councils, and lead our Forces by ​Land and Sea to Victory;--- to take our illustrious Ally under his ​special Protection, and Favour our joint Councils and Exertions ​for the establishment of speedy and permanent Peace;--- to ​cherish all Schools and Seminaries of Education, and to cause ​the Knowledge of Christianity to spread over all the earth"

Done in Congress this Eighteenth Day of October 1780 and in ​the Fifth year of the INDEPENDENCE of the UNTIED STATES ​OF AMERICA."

There was no separation of God and the Christian Religion from ​our government back then, on the contrary, God and the ​Christian Religion was practiced, encouraged, and promoted by ​our elected government officials and that is why America ​became the most productive, prosperous, peaceful, powerful, ​and benevolent nation in the history of the world! America was ​so blessed by God! The faith of our founders was strong and ​they made it known they depended upon God, and gave Him ​the credit for all the blessings and success in the establishment ​of this great nation!

Were they perfect? No but they were faithful believers and ​were very public about it, and encouraged it in the general ​population! This Proclamation and more can be found online at ​the Library of Congress.

The belief and faith of our fathers is in their writings, journals, ​and official government documents. It is irrefutable, and we ​should be learning and teaching this to everyone, especially our ​young people and since it is not taught in the schools it should ​be taught in our homes and in the Church, in every ​congregation and Bible Class across this nation!

Tina Kincaid July 20, 2024

Liberty.... what is it worth to you? You do know we have been ​slowly losing it! Our youngest little people may not have it all! ​Liberty is not something that we purchase for ourselves. It is a ​gift from God that we must protect and defend so we can hand ​it down to the next generation. But we have been giving it ​away!The Liberties we have traded for feeling more ​comfortable or safer, or some other good feeling will be the ​control and oppression we force upon our children and ​grandchildren! And sadly our Grandhildren don't even know ​Liberty like us older folks have known it and we don't even know ​true Liberty ourselves like our Grandparents had these days.

Founding Father John Adams warned us:

"Posterity! You will never know what it cost this present ​generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make ​good use of it. For if you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ​ever took half the pains to preserve it."

And another Founder Alexander Hamilton said:

"Is it not better, I ask, to suffer a few present inconveniences, ​than to put yourselves in the way of losing everything that is ​precious? Your lives, your property, your religion, are all at ​stake. I do my duty. I warn you of your danger. If you should still ​be so mad as to bring destruction upon yourselves; if you still ​neglect what you owe to God and man, you cannot plead ​ignorance in your excuse. Your consciences will reproach you ​for your folly; and your children's children will curse you."

And a Founding Mother, Mercy Otis Warren said:

"I have my fears. Yet, notwithstanding the complicated ​difficulties that rise before us, there is no receding. May nothing ​ever check that glorious spirit of freedom which inspires the ​patriot in the cabinet and the hero in the field, with the courage ​to maintain their righteous cause, and to endeavor to transmit ​the claim to posterity, even if they must seal the rich ​conveyance to their children with their own blood."

What is more important to you in this generation now? What ​about our children and Grandchildren's future in Liberty?

Tina Kincaid July 19, 2024

Two heads are better than one...unless the discussion devolves ​into fault finding and name calling. Which is juvenile and ​nonproductive.

Before the formation of the United States of America, it was ​believed that self government could only succeed for small, ​like-minded groups. Large countries, it was thought, couldn't be ​sustainably self-governed, because people would never be able ​to agree. Our Founding Fathers believed it could be done—that ​a large, diverse-minded group of people could effectively self-​govern because only truly wise ideas would be able to rise ​above any one party or group. And, for almost 250 years ​America has shown the world that self government can ​sustainably work on a large scale. It was because of the ​foundation that was used to establish the idea....this great ​experiment, called the United States of America!

It seems like today, however, we can't discuss different ​perspectives without being labeled in a negative way. And one ​or more refuse to listen and are kicked out of the debate or ​worse, attacked and persecuted. This was not what the ​Founding Fathers had in mind. For the first 200 years of our ​country, the groups or parties had a mix of ideologies within ​them: conservative, moderate, and liberal. For the last 40 years, ​however, the groups and parties have become sorted by ​ideology, which is increasingly dysfunctional. And, we may not ​be able to change that soon, but we could create a non-​partisan platform for conservative, moderate, and liberal ​Americans who are ready to use common sense and then ​communicate the ideas and recommendations to elected ​officials in Santa Fe and Washington.

It is my prayer that a unifying respectful discourse begin to take ​place everywhere. A foundation....a set of absolutes to which all ​are required to adhere to is necessary for this to be successful ​We have the best foundation upon which to start, and the rule ​book, the foundation that our Founders used is the Bible. The ​Declaration of Independence, our Constitution(in its original ​form), and Bill of Rights is in harmony with that Book Even if you ​don't believe in God, that rule book is solid and if it is adhered ​to, everything will work for the best for everyone.

Tina Kincaid July 18, 2024

Psalm 91 is often referred to as the Soldier’s Psalm with its ​promises of Divine protection, if you believe and trust God for ​that protection. Have you heard of or read about the “Soldier ​who wouldn’t die”? During the French and Indian war (1753-​1763) George Washington was a Colonel at 23 years old and ​with 100 Virginia “buckskins” joined General Edward Braddock ​and his 1300 British soldiers to fight the French. Sixty-two out ​of the eighty-six British and American officers in the battle were ​wounded or killed. George Washington was the only mounted ​officer who was not shot down off his horse, even though he ​had courageously ridden back and forth along the front lines. ​He wrote his family to let them know he was okay writing:

“As I have heard since my arrival at this place [Fort Cumberland] ​a circumstantial account of my death and dying speech, I take ​this early opportunity of contradicting the first and of assuring ​you that I have not as yet composed the latter. But by the all-​powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected ​beyond all human probability and expectation, for I had four ​bullet holes through coat and two horses shot from under me ​yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my ​companions on every side of me.”

When word of Washington’s supernatural protection was ​spread about the Colonies a Gospel preacher and leader during ​the national revival that is known as the Great Awakening [1730-​1770] by the name of Samuel Davies said that the manner in ​which God had intervened to preserve the young mostly ​unknown Washington certainly seem to indicate that ​“Providence has hitherto preserved in so signal a manner for ​some important service to his country.”

For additional confirmation of Washington’s miraculous ​preservation, later in 1770 went back to the same area where he ​had fought on a surveying trip, an old Indian Chief met with him ​and told him that he had been in that battle and that he had ​ordered his braves to specifically target him and kill him. He ​said that after personally firing at him 17 times, noting that he ​had never known his rifle to miss he concluded that Washington ​was under the care of the “Great Spirit” and ordered his men to ​stop shooting at him. Another Indian Chief in the same battle ​also said he had fired at Washington 11 times with a rifle that he ​had never missed his target with before, and also stopped ​shooting at him also convince that he was protected by the ​“Great Spirit”

There are several other accounts where it was not humanly ​possible to explain why George Washington’s life was spared ​and he openly spoke about the “miraculous care of Providence” ​that seemed to be protecting him from death.

I believe God still works today through those He chooses to ​accomplish His purpose on this earth.

Tina Kincaid July 17, 2024

A matter of fact:

L.E. Chittenden, Register of the Treasury during the Civil War, once asked President Lincoln how far he believed the Almighty actually directed our national affairs. Lincoln replied:

“That the Almighty does make use of human agencies and directly intervenes in human affairs, is one of the plainest statements of the Bible. I have had so many evidences of His direction- so may instances when I have been controlled by some other power than my own will that I cannot doubt that this power comes from above.”

Lincoln further explained how he felt God guided him:

“I frequently see my way clear to a decision, when I have not sufficient facts upon which to found it. But I cannot recall one instance in which I have followed my own judgement, founded upon such a decision, where the results were unsatisfactory; whereas, in almost every instance where I have yielded to the view of others, I have had occasion to regret it. I am satisfied that when the Almighty wants me to do or not to do a particular thing, He finds a way of letting me know it. I am confident that it is His design to restore the Union. He will do it in His own good time.” – Trueblood, Lincoln, 127-128 -

Tina Kincaid July 16, 2024

A matter of fact:

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD will give grace ​and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk ​uprightly. O LORD of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in ​You!" Psalm 84: 11-12

"But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he ​acted corruptly and was unfaithful to the LORD his God, for he ​entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of ​incense." II Chronicles 26:16

As a civil ruler over the kingdom, Uzziah decided he could ​become head over the temple as well. Understanding this ​violation, the priests, courageously and forcefully withstood him ​(v. 18), but Uzziah refused to listen, and as a result was struck ​with leprosy. When Uzziah attempted to be in charge of both ​civil and religious arenas at the same time it provided this ​dramatic precedent as a message of warning to all future ​generations.

The philosophy of keeping the State limited from exerting ​control over public religious practices and expressions was a ​very strong conviction of early Americans, because religious ​freedom was the main reason the first people came to this ​country, and the exact reason the very first statement in our Bill ​of Rights is "Congress shall make no law respecting an ​establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise ​thereof." There are 2 clauses, the "Establishment Clause" ​prohibits the State from enforcing religious conformity, and the ​"Free Excersise Clause" is supposed to ensure that the State ​would protect, (rather than suppress, as it currently does) ​citizens rights of conscience and religious expression. Both ​clauses point directly at the State, and are prohibitions only on ​the power of the government, not on individuals or the church ​or any religious organization. This is the meaning of separation ​of church and state, not the modern perversion of it.

Tina Kincaid July 15, 2024​

A matter of fact: Abraham Lincoln said this and believed it:

"That the Almighty does make use of human agencies and ​directly intervenes in human affairs, is one of the plainest ​statements in the Bible. I have had so many evidences of His ​direction - so many instances when I have been controlled by ​some other power than my own will that I cannot doubt that this ​power comes from above."

- Abraham Lincoln

Tina Kincaid July 14, 2024

A matter of fact:

Archibald Alexander Hodge was an author, lecturer, and ​theologian at Princeton College. In 1873, he explained to ​America:

"A Christian is just as much under the obligation to obey God's ​will in the most secular of his daily business as he is in his closet ​or at the communion table. He has no right to separate his life ​into two realms, and acknowledge different moral codes in ​each...

The Kingdom of God includes all sides of human life, and it is a ​kingdom of absolute righteousness. You are either a loyal ​subject or a traitor. When the King comes, how will he find you ​doing?

If professing Christians are unfaithful to the authority of their ​Lord in their capacity as citizens of the State, they cannot ​expect to be blessed by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in their ​capacity as members of the Church. The Kingdom of God is ​one, it cannot be divided...

If the Church languishes, the State cannot be in good health; ​and if the State rebels against its Lord and King, the Church ​cannot enjoy His favour...


And I believe Mr. Hodge was and still is correct in his statement.

Tina Kincaid July 13, 2024

A Christian Nation?

First Continental Congress Oct 1774 Prepared an address to the ​Colonies which included appeals to God. "I ln every case of ​opposition by a people to their rulers, or of one state to ​another, duty to Almighty God, the creator of all, requires that a ​true and impartial judgement be formed of the measures ​leading to such opposition; and of the causes by which it has ​been provoked, or can in any degree be justified: ...arise the ​surest hopes of the Divine favor..." and concludes "Above all ​things we earnestly intreat you to humble yourselves and ​implore the favour of Almighty God; beseech His Divine ​goodness, to take you into His gracious protection." Journals of ​the Congress 1:101

Yes, we were born a Christian Nation. NOT a Theocracy!

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But ​when a wicked man rules, the people groan." Proverbs 29:2

Tina Kincaid July 12, 2024

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for ​reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the ​man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." ​II Timothy 3:16-17

Not many people like to be corrected, as children at times ​correction was not fun. But as adults it is even more difficult. ​The Bible teaches us that it's a virtue to listen to correction and ​constructive criticism or reproof instead of rejecting it.

Proverbs 12:1 tells us "Whoever loves discipline loves ​knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

"He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof will dwell among ​the wise. He who neglects discipline despises himself, but he ​who listens to reproof acquires understanding." Proverbs 15:31-​32

Usually it is insecurity and possibly shame that makes it hard to ​listen to and accept correction and it is even more difficult to ​give correction or reproof, because we are afraid to offend and ​we don't want to feel uncomfortable. Being what some call ​"nonconfrontational" is what a lot of people prefer but it is not ​the example Jesus set for us. We are to speak the truth in love ​without sacrificing either one. In Matthew 10:34-38 Jesus tells ​us His mission, which can be confusing if we aren't careful. His ​reference to bringing a sword is not to bring violence but ​instead His sword is the sword of TRUTH. He came to speak the ​truth, and to confront where it was needed. Clearly spoken ​words of truth can cut as deeply as a sword. The truth can ​divide us but we must always side with the truth, speak the ​truth, and live the truth. What is the truth you may ask? God's ​word is Truth. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life" ​John 14:6

If we don’t speak the truth we are not loving and looking out for ​what is good for each other. If you don’t speak the truth in ​love, you are actually causing harm to people not helping them. ​According to the Bible (which is absolute truth) it is the duty of ​Christians and especially Preachers and Teachers, to ​administer correction and reproof when needed and it is also ​our duty to listen to the correction and reproof. These are both ​virtues we would all do well to practice. This includes and most ​especially the cultural and spiritual issues we are facing today.

Founding Father John Quincy Adams wrote is his diary: “I ​attended public worship in the hall of the House of ​Representatives, where Mr. Tustin, the Chaplain of the Senate ​preached from Daniel 5:27 ‘Tekel; thou art weighed in the ​balances and art found wanting.’ This is a formidable text for a ​preacher to manage, and especially for a Chaplain to a House of ​Congress. It is in itself the key to a discourse of keen and ​searching reproof to the auditory [audience]. It is the solemn ​duty of a Christian clergyman to administer reproof to his ​hearers, and it the duty of the hearers to listen to reproof ​without taking offence. This is the great practical obstacle to ​the faithful and useful discharge of the preacher’s duty. If he ​probes the sinner to the soul, he kindles hatred against himself ​and loses his hold upon the conscience. If he forebears [holds ​back] he neglects his holiest duty and betrays the cause of his ​Master…. Mr Tustin told us that we had been weighed in the ​balances and found wanting.” ( Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, ​diary entry for January 15,1843).

Can you even think of a preacher speaking directly to our ​county’s leaders and telling them they have been “weighed in ​the balance and found wanting”?! Or even in a sermon to us as ​citizens in our own worship congregations hearing this from a ​preacher today? We as believers have mistakenly believed that ​we should not offend others, and as a result a love of the truth ​has been given up for fear of hurting people’s feelings. We ​need to always speak the truth, and live the truth, when we do ​others will see and hear it. When the Bible speaks about any ​issue, (and it does), so should we, and we should do it with ​eternal clarity that the Bible uses. Quote God’s word always, ​because it is absolute factual truth. You can’t go wrong if you ​learn, speak and live the truth. God’s way always works best ​and always will.

Tina Kincaid July 11, 2024

It is so very important for those who believe in God to ​participate, and be involved in politics, to be a positive influence ​and example and most importantly exercise your right as ​citizens of this free nation, with a Biblical foundation and form of ​government to VOTE!

By doing this, we can ensure that our elected representatives ​more closely align with the teachings of the Bible and promote ​the will of God. The current state of affairs we find ourselves in ​this state and this nation, where evil forces seem to hold ​decision making positions of influence and power at all levels, ​from the White House to local government agencies, is ​frightening and should be unacceptable! It is crucial for God's ​people to come together in truth and use our votes to effect ​change and bring about a government that reflects the ​teachings of the Bible. People of God must work hard to ​dismantle monopolies and promote fair competition, and we ​must not allow ourselves to be tempted, to endorse or vote for ​those who are consumed by the love of money or desire for ​power. By voting according to the principles of the Bible, we as ​citizens can help create a better future for our all of us and our ​nation!

Tina Kincaid July 10 2024

I have learned that there are a considerable number of folks ​who believe we should get rid of the electoral college in our ​election process. I know this would be huge mistake. Here is ​why......First of all, the United States of America's form of ​government is a REPUBLIC, and our Constitution guarantees ​each State in our union a Republican form of government,​(Arivle IV, Section 4) which is designed to prevent "mob rule" or ​"tyranny of the majority" (Our founders words).

Each state has the number of electors equal to the number of ​Senators and the number of Representatives they have. Each ​state has at least 3 electors. When the votes are counted after ​the general election, in each state, the candidate with the most ​votes gets all of the states electors.

Before election day, each major party selects their slate of ​electors that will vote in December if their party wins that state. ​Very seldom do electors vote contrary to how he/she is ​supposed to vote.

A very important thing to remember is in the beginning the ​states were forming not just a national government, but a ​federal government that brought together the confederation ​of states. Each sovereign state would not lose their separate ​identity and function. We also need to remember that our ​founders set this up so that the smaller states would have a ​voice as well as the larger ones. This concern almost kept the ​Constitution from being finished and ratified. This process is in ​my opinion, is a brilliant system, and satisfied everyone.

If we eliminated the electoral college, all a candidate would ​need to do is win the most populated states, and the contest ​would be over. Voters in the less populated states, would have ​even less influence than they do now.

And again, we are not a Democracy. We are a Republic.

So as we get closer to the election, we would be well served to ​think more highly of our founders who worked so hard to gives ​us an electoral system that has served us so well for over 200 ​years! All of this and more should be taught in our schools! It ​was once, a long time ago. If we are to preserve our Liberties, ​and our Republic, we need to learn and understand our true ​history, and our Constitution, which IS the law of our land, how ​the electoral process works and how our government is ​supposed to operate, and then make sure that it operates ​according to our Constitution, and within its limitations. If we ​don't, our grandchildren will not be free citizens

Tina Kincaid July 8, 2024

After reading an article written by a preacher, in which he says ​the Bible "doesn't say whether abortion is right or wrong....that ​it is left to interpretation"....I am compelled to respond. The ​Bible speaks to this issue multiple times, and even issued civil ​penalties for actions that caused an unborn baby to be harmed ​or killed, in Exodus 21:22-25. The Bible which is the Word of ​God, and is absolute truth tells us that life in the womb is ​created by God. Job 31:15, Psalm 22:9-10, Isaiah 44:2; 49:5. ​Jeremiah 1:4-5, and Luke 1:15.

Throughout the Bible the taking of the life of an innocent victim ​and the shedding of innocent blood is most definitely ​condemned. Deuteronomy 19:10, I Samuel 19:5, Psalm 94:20-21, ​Proverbs 6:16-17, Isaiah 59:2-7.

When our country was new, abortion was always seen as wrong, ​because the belief was life was a gift from God, ...the first of our ​inalienable rights. The law in America was clear, as soon it was ​known that life was in the womb, that life was protected. Our ​Founders believed, and according to our founding documents, ​one of primary reasons that government exists is to protect the ​inalienable right to life.

The life of an innocent child should be protected, because life ​comes from God, and we have no right to deprive an unborn ​child of his or her life.

We as a nation must once again stand on the conviction that we ​are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God, who "wove me in ​my mother's womb" (Psalm 139). We must elect all of our ​government officials according to this standard.

Tina Kincaid July 7, 2024

"And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders,

and to the rest of the people, 'Do not be afraid f them. ​Remember

the LORD, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your

sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses." Nehemiah ​4:14

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for ​doctrine,

for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that ​the man of

God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good ​work." II Timothy 3:16-17

"It should always be remembered that this law...made for men ​or for nations, flows from

the same Divine source; it is the law of God. What we do indeed ​must be founded upon what

He has done; and the deficiencies of our laws must be supplied ​by the perfections of His.....

Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin ​sisters, friends, and mutual

assistants." ~ James Wilson ~ Signer of both the Declaration of ​Independence and the

Constitution and one of the Supreme Court's original ​justices....1804

Tina Kincaid July 6, 2024

"Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said, 'It is necessary ​that the word of God should be spoken to you first; but since ​you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, ​behold, we turn to the Gentiles. For so the Lord commanded us: ​I have set you as a light to the Gentiles, That you should be for ​salvation to the ends of the earth.' Now when the Gentiles ​heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord. ​And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed." ​Acts 13:46-48

We may not understand how the sovereignty of God works ​with the free choice of man to bring people to Christ, but both ​truths are clearly taught in Scripture. God chooses, ...but so ​must we.

"If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for ​yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which ​your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods ​of the Amorites in whose land your are living; but as for me and ​my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24: 15

We often see a part of this verse displayed on plaques in the ​homes of Christian families who have committed themselves to ​follow the Lord. The entire verse contains much more than that ​short phrase. Joshua offered the people a choice, as does God. ​The people had a choice, they were not coerced. God ​established the non-coercive approach from the very ​beginning.

The New Testament is filled with examples following the same ​pattern, demonstrated by Jesus Himself, then by the apostles ​Peter and Paul, and by ministers Philip and Timothy, etc.

In America, all citizens are free to choose, and because of that ​freedom, Christians are free to share the Gospel and offer a ​choice to every individual. This freedom of religion, that ​America has enjoyed as a result of the 1st amendment, and ​Bible believing leadership in government, over the the years ​has been more and more undermined and stifled because of ​the loss of Biblical leadership in the Civic arena.

Tina Kincaid July 5, 2024

A matter of fact: July 5th 1775, new Commander in Chief ​George Washington's first General Order to the Continental ​Army was this: "The General most earnestly requires and ​expects a due observance of those articles of war established ​for the government of the army, which forbids profane cursing, ​swearing and drunkenness. And in like manner , he requires and ​expects all officers and soldiers not engaged in actual duty, a ​punctual attendance of Divine services, to implore the blessing ​of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense."

Tina Kincaid July 4, 2024

Out of all the writings about the American Revolution a very ​important part of it has not been included! And that is the fact ​that Christian preachers preached from their pulpits dynamic ​Biblical sermons addressing the evil of tyranny and the ​blessings of God-ordained liberty! Independence was boldly ​preached from Scripture throughout the 13 original States ​during the American Revolution. Why are the records and the ​sermons of that day not reported in our history books? They ​very well should be! The preachers' address brought about ​enthusiasm; his prayers brought about courage, and his parting, ​blessing, encouragement and resolution. During earlier years, ​before the American Revolution, there were chaplains in the ​colonial wars, such as the French and Indian War. At the ​conclusion of the war, these chaplains became preachers ​preaching fervently to their congregations “the divine right of ​Resistance” as opposed to “the divine right of Kings.” These ​humble preachers produced the minute-men, who went forth ​boldly from their congregations armed with exhortation from ​the Pulpit, as well as muskets and rifles in hand, resisting ​oppression. This was the first army of the American Revolution, ​against which the British Empire strived in vain at Bunker Hill. ​From the man of God’s preaching in the villages, towns and ​valleys, proceeded thousands of minute-men who resisted the ​British at the Battle of Bunker Hill. When Lexington and ​Concord sounded the battle-cry, these minute-men took up ​their arms. The prayers and blessing of their pastor ​accompanying them, they went forth with patriotism and fervor ​to defend the lives and freedoms of their fellow citizens. One ​such example of Pulpit Preaching is that of Peter von ​Muhlenberg, known as “the fighting parson of the American ​Revolution.” As preacher of a German/English-speaking ​Episcopal Church in Woodstock, Virginia, he received a circular ​letter from George Washington to the Churches, requesting ​that regiments be raised for the Revolutionary Army. The ​following Sunday, Muhlenberg’s sermon was taken from ​Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, ending with an appeal to his congregation: ​“There is a time for war, and a time for peace; there is a time to ​preach and a time to fight!” Upon which he dramatically pulled ​open his clerical robes, revealing the uniform of a colonel in the ​Continental Army. His parishioners readily enrolled in the army – ​Muhlenberg’s regiment being complete. This great man of God ​served eight years’ military service for the then fledgling ​country. In 1774, when the American colonies were in turmoil, ​the First Provincial Congress of Massachusetts made known ​their gratitude and its debt to the Pulpit ministry as loyal friends ​of civil and religious freedom, and asking for their help in a ​message, as follows:“ Reverend Sirs: When we contemplate the ​friendship and assistance our ancestors, the first settlers of this ​province (while overwhelmed with distress), received from the ​pious pastors of the churches of Christ, who, to enjoy the rights ​of conscience, fled with them into this land, then a savage ​wilderness, we find ourselves filled with the most grateful ​sensations. And we cannot but acknowledge the goodness of ​Heaven in constantly supplying us with preachers of the gospel, ​whose concern has been the temporal and spiritual happiness ​of this people. In a day like this, when all the friends of civil and ​religious liberty are exerting themselves to deliver this country ​from its present calamities, we cannot but place great hopes in ​an order of men who have ever distinguished themselves in ​their country’s cause; and do, therefore, recommend to the ​ministers of the gospel in the several towns and other places in ​the colony, that they assist us in avoiding that dreadful slavery ​with which we are now threatened,…” so we can see that Pulpit ​preaching in the churches of America had a great influence on ​all the people including those who were in the process of ​establishing our government and our laws, which ARE Bible ​based and those original documents ARE in harmony with God’s ​law. If you go and read the records in the Library of Congress ​you will see that those brave men knew the Scriptures and ​believed them, depended upon and asked God for His guidance ​His assistance, His forgiveness and His blessing on their efforts ​and they gave Him the credit and the glory for their success as ​they made every effort to establish a nation under God and His ​authority. Absolutely without a doubt this is true and it is why ​our nation above all other nations has been blessed so ​bountifully for so long. We were indeed intended to be that ​“shining city on a hill” the “salt and light” for the rest of the ​world! I pray daily that God will raise up strong faithful, brave, ​selfless, patriots through whom He will restore our great Nation ​again. That our laws will be in accordance and in harmony with ​God’s will for all mankind on this earth. The future of this great ​nation and our children's and grandchildren's future in liberty is ​at stake.

Tina Kincaid July 3, 2024

A matter of fact:

On July 3, 1947, U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall ​prayed:

"God of our Fathers, whose Almighty hand hath made and ​preserved our Nation, grant that our people may understand ​what it is they celebrate tomorrow. May they remember how ​bitterly our freedom was won, the down payment that was ​made for it, the installments that have been made since this ​Republic was born, and the price that must be paid for our ​liberty.

May freedom be seen not as the right to do as we please but ​as the opportunity to please to do what is right. May it be ​ever understood that our liberty is under God and can be ​found nowhere else. May our faith be something that is not ​merely stamped upon our coins, but expressed in our lives. ​Let us, as a nation, be not afraid of standing alone for the ​rights of men, since we were born that way, as the only ​nation on earth that came into being 'for the glory of God and ​the advancement of the Christian faith.' We know that we ​shall be true to the Pilgrim dream when we are true to the ​God they worshiped. To the extent that America honors ​Thee, wilt Thou bless America, and keep her true as Thou ​hast kept her free, and make her good as Thou hast made ​her rich. Amen."

Tina Kincaid July 2, 2024

A matter of fact: On July 2, 1776 the thirteen Colonies voted to separate ​from Great Britain. It was a serious, solemn moment,...a quiet moment in ​which some men had tears in their eyes,and some prayed. Then Chairman ​John Hancock spoke and said, "Gentlemen, the price on my head has just ​doubled!"

By signing the Declaration of Independence these men had placed their ​lives in jeopardy. It was indeed a matter of life and death,.. a price they were ​willing to pay. (On July 4th it was announced to the world.)

Samuel Adams declared: "We have this day restored the Sovereign, to ​Whom alone men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven and ...from the ​rising to the setting sun, may His Kingdom come!"

Tina Kincaid July 1, 2024

A matter of fact: On July1, 1776, the Continental Congress entered the end ​of their debate on whether the Colonies should separate themselves from ​Great Britain. John Adams declared " Before God, I believe the hour has ​come. My judgement approves this measure, and my whole heart is in it. All ​that I have, and all that I am, and all that I hope in this life, I am now ready ​here to stake upon it. And I leave off as I began, that live or die, survive, or ​perish, I am for the Declaration. It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing ​of God it shall be my dying sentiment. Independence now, and ​Independence forever!"

John Adams along with all our Founders believed in God...the God of the ​Bible. And our Declaration of Independence is full of references to God, our ​Creator. It is in fact a Biblical document.

Tina Kincaid June 30, 2024

Our Biblical Heritage and History:

Samuel West, A formidable preacher, made no formal preparation before ​speaking, preferring to make his points simply and rationally. An ardent ​patriot, he was invited to give the prestigious Election Day sermon in Boston ​in 1776. He considered the spiritual aspect of the War for Independence ​saying: "Our cause is so just and good that nothing can prevent our success ​but only our sins. Could I see a spirit of repentance and reformation prevail ​throughout the land, I should not have the least apprehension or fear of ​being brought under the iron rod of slavery, even though all the powers of ​the globe were combined against us. And though I confess that the ​irreligion and profaneness which are so common among us gives something ​of a damp to my spirits, yet I cannot help hoping, and even believing, that ​Providence has designed this continent to be the asylum of liberty and true ​religion."

Tina Kincaid June 28, 2024

"Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of ​our God. And may the LORD do what is

good in His sight." I Chronicles 19:13

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen as ​His own inheritance.” Psalm 33:12

We are one nation under God. The Christian majority WAS the largest group ​in America (~75%, 2012 polling) in 2021 estimated at 63%. Sadly it is going ​down. Christians uniting in Christ was, and always should be our nation’s ​source of unity. Many, fact most or our founders believed in and ​endorsed God in government and there are thousands of quotes from ​official documents, letters and other writings proving this fact. American ​children prayed and read the Holy Bible in schools for 355 years (1607 – ​1962), Congress recommended Bibles for America. The third verse of our ​national anthem says, “And this be our motto, ‘In God is our trust”.

We must unite with all Christians across the USA and declare: The Lord is ​the God of the USA and work to restore our nation to "One Nation Under ​God" or we will become slaves, to a tyrannical oppressive regime, as did ​God's people in the Bible.

History always repeats, but the outcome or results can be better....can be ​good if we learn true history and the lessons it teaches us.

America's government was established on Biblical government, the ​structure of which is found in Exodus chapter 18. It was the people who ​insisted on a "king" not God. And God warned them they didn't want a king, ​the people wouldn't listen. And as history shows us many times over, it was a ​huge mistake. We were created to be free to govern ourselves, with our ​accountability being to God, Jesus being our only King, and with the rule of ​law and our conscience, (knowing the ultimate price of rejecting God and his ​guidance is eternal death as opposed to eternal life). Following Jesus and ​His teachings brings blessings in abundance, we should much prefer to have ​believers in God and His Word to be our representatives in a necessary civil ​republican form of government, that is outlined in Exodus Chapter 18 and is ​addressed throughout Scripture. Plan on voting in November and VOTE ​BIBLICALLY!

Tina Kincaid June 27, 2024

A matter of fact:

Continental Congress September 6,1774 made their first official act a call for ​prayer, as recorded in the Journals of the Continental Congress, after ​receiving the news that British troops had attacked Boston.

In a letter to his wife John Adams described the prayer: "...I never saw a ​greater effect upon an audience. It seem as if heaven had ordained that ​Psalm to be read on that morning. (Psalm 35) After this, Mr. Duche, ​unexpectedly to everybody, struck out into an extemporary prayer, which ​filled the bosom of every man present. I must confess, I have never heard a ​better prayer, or one so well pronounced."

Here is that prayer:

“Our Lord, our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of Kings, Lord of ​Lords, who doest from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon the earth, ​and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all kingdoms, ​empires, and governments, look down in mercy, we beseech thee, upon ​these American states who have fled to Thee from the rod of the Oppressor, ​and thrown themselves upon Thy gracious protection, desiring to be ​henceforth dependent only upon Thee.

To Thee have they appealed for the righteousness of their cause. To Thee ​do they now look up for that countenance and support which Thou alone ​can give. Take them, therefore, Heavenly Father, under Thy nurturing care. ​Give them wisdom in council and valor in the field. Defeat the malicious ​design of our cruel adversaries. Convince them of the unrighteousness of ​their cause, and if they still persist in their sanguinary purpose, O let the ​voice of Thine own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them ​to drop their weapons of war from their unnerved hands in the day of battle. ​Be Thou present, O God of Wisdom, and direct the counsel of this ​Honorable Assembly; enable them to settle all things on the best and surest ​foundations; that the scene of blood may be speedily closed, that Order, ​Harmony and Peace may be effectively restored, and that Truth and ​Justice, Religion and Piety, prevail and flourish among the people.Preserve ​the health of their bodies and the vigor of their minds, shower down on ​them, and the millions they here represent, such temporal Blessings as Thou ​seest expedient for them in this world, and crown them with everlasting ​Glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name and through the ​merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior, Amen.”

Congress recorded their appreciation to the Reverend Jacob Duché in the ​Journals of Congress.

“Wednesday, September 7, 1774, 9 o’clock a.m. Agreeable to the resolve of ​yesterday, the meeting was opened with prayers by the Rev. Mr. Duché. ​Voted, That the thanks of Congress be given to Mr. Duché…for performing ​divine Service, and for the excellent prayer, which he composed and ​delivered on the occasion.”

Tina Kincaid June 26, 2024

Did you know that Congress affirmed in 1855 in the Journal of the House of ​Representatives, 34th congress, 1st session, that:

"The great, vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our ​people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Not only Congress but also the Supreme Court refused to separate ​Christian principles from the public arena. Ex. 1878 case the plaintiffs ​invoked Jefferson's phrase, (separation of Church and State) hoping to use ​it to their advantage. The Supreme Court responded by reprinting a lengthy ​segment from his letter to prove that "separation of church and state" was ​to preserve rather than remove Christian values and practices in public ​policy. (Reynolds v. U.S., 98 145, 164). The courts maintained this position ​until 1947.

The Bible is truth and it also true that we have Godly Christian Heritage in ​this the greatest nation, blessed by God because our foundation was ​established on His Holy Word by men who believed in God and in His Son ​Jesus Christ.

Tina Kincaid June 24, 2024

Noah Webster penned "The History of the United States" and included the ​following in its preface:

"The concise explanation of the United States Constitution will introduce ​young individuals to the principles of republican governance. It is the ​genuine wish of the author that our citizens comprehend early on that the ​true foundation of correct republican principles lies in the Bible, specifically ​the New Testament or the Christian faith."

It is my hope and aspiration that we all educate ourselves and guide our ​youth in understanding both the Bible and our authentic American history. ​This is essential to uphold and safeguard our God-given liberties and ​maintain our nation under God, blessed with the liberties, justice, and ​opportunities unlike any other nation globally.

America stands as the greatest nation in history, founded on Biblical ​principles and values, under a government suggested and instituted by God, ​as documented in His word starting from Exodus 18:21. The Bible provides ​guidance on every aspect of governance – from personal conduct to ​community, state, national, and global affairs. Our Founding Fathers and ​ancestors, who encountered tyranny, oppression, and persecution, trusted ​in the Scriptures, believing that God's ways were the most prosperous and ​successful. They endeavored to achieve this vision for us.

Consequently, America emerged as the most productive, affluent, potent, ​and compassionate nation in history. It was established as a nation rooted in ​the Bible, with numerous congregations spreading the gospel domestically ​and internationally. No other nation has achieved what we have. Why? ​Because we were emboldened by our faith, supported by those who ​structured our government based on God's principles, and led by a majority ​of believers in God, including elected representatives.

Almighty God, have mercy on us, forgive our national transgressions, lead us ​to repentance, a shift from our sinful ways, and a return to You and ​obedience to Your divine plan. Father, revive and rejuvenate our nation once ​more! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Republican Women's Club of ​Carlsbad and Republican Party ​of Eddy County Host Events ​Featuring Ben Luna

By Estefani Hammond with the assistance of AI.

July 18, 2024

On Thursday, July 18, the Republican Women's ​Club of Carlsbad will host its monthly meeting at ​the Stevens Inn, 1829 S Canal St in Carlsbad. Doors ​will open at 11am, with lunch served from 11:15-12 ​noon. The program will start at 12pm, featuring Ben ​Luna as the guest speaker. He will be discussing his ​work on the #SaveOurChildren initiative, which ​aims to make a positive impact on the lives of ​children.

Later that evening, Ben Luna will be speaking at an ​event hosted by the Republican Party of Eddy ​County at their headquarters in Artesia, located at ​106 S Roslawn Ave. Finger foods will be served and ​the event will begin at 5:30pm.

The Republican Women's Club of Carlsbad and the ​Republican Party of Eddy County invite all ​members and interested individuals to attend one or ​both events to hear Ben Luna's informative ​message. For more information, please contact ​Chairwoman of the RPEC Tina Kincaid at (575) ​706-0704.

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By Estefani Hammond with the assistance of AI.

July 12, 2024

Carlsbad, NM - The Carlsbad Republican Party of ​Eddy County is excited to announce the soft opening ​of its new headquarters this Saturday, July 13, 2024 at ​10:00 AM. Located at 312 N. Canal St. in Carlsbad, ​the office will serve as a hub for Republicans in the ​community. The grand opening will be determined at ​a future date.

The new headquarters will be open to the public ​during the following hours:

Monday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Thursday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Friday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Sunday: CLOSED

In addition to the new headquarters, the Republican ​Party of Eddy County also has a sub-office in Artesia, ​located at 106 S. Roselawn in Artesia, New Mexico. ​The Artesia office is already open and will operate on ​the following schedule:

Monday: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Tuesday: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Wednesday: CLOSED

Thursday: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Friday: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

The Carlsbad Republican Party is seeking volunteers ​to help with various tasks and events throughout the ​year. With the most recent need are volunteers at the ​Headquarters to keep the offices open and volunteers ​to man the booth at the Eddy County Fair. ​Community members can sign up to volunteer ​according to their availability.

The party's mission is to help elect conservative ​constitutional Republicans, educate the community ​about important issues, provide information and ​resources, register voters, host events, and maintain a ​positive presence in the community.

For more information about the Republican Party of ​Eddy County or to volunteer, please contact ​Chairwoman, Tina Kincaid at (575) 706-0704.

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By Estefani Hammond with the assistance of AI.

July 8, 2024

Carlsbad, NM - The Republican Women's Club of ​Carlsbad is excited to announce its next meeting, set ​to take place on Thursday, July 18th at the Stevens ​Inn, located at 1829 S Canal St in Carlsbad.

Doors will open at 11am, and attendees are invited ​to arrive early to mingle and socialize with fellow ​club members. A delicious lunch will be served from ​11:15am-12noon, with guests free to order off the ​menu.

The program will commence at 12pm, featuring a ​special guest speaker, Ben Luna. Mr. Luna will be ​discussing the #SaveOurChildren initiative, a ​movement aimed at saving one child at a time ​through various programs and services. His engaging ​presentation is sure to inspire and educate attendees ​on the importance of this vital cause.

The Republican Women's Club of Carlsbad is a ​respected and active organization dedicated to ​promoting conservative values and supporting ​community initiatives. The club welcomes women ​and men of all ages and backgrounds who share its ​mission to make a positive impact in our community.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-​minded individuals, enjoy a wonderful meal, and ​learn about the important work being done through ​the #SaveOurChildren initiative. Mark your ​calendars for Thursday, July 18th, and join the ​Republican Women's Club of Carlsbad at the ​Stevens Inn for an informative and uplifting meeting.

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Renowned Speaker Ben Luna to ​Address Republican Party of Eddy ​County in Artesia

By Estefani Hammond with the assistance of AI.

July 8, 2024

Artesia, NM - Join the Republican Party of Eddy County on Thursday, July 18th, as we welcome renowned speaker Ben Luna to our sub-office headquarters! The event will take place at 5:30pm, and will feature a presentation by Mr. Luna on topics relevant to our community.

A selection of finger foods will be served, so come hungry and ready to engage in lively discussion and Q&A.

Don't miss this opportunity to hear from a respected figure in our State and connect with like-minded individuals. We look forward to seeing you there!

Mark your calendars for Thursday, July 18th, and join us at the Republican Party of Eddy County Sub-office Headquarters.

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ArtesiaRepublican Headquarters ​Now Open, Carlsbad HQ to Follow ​Soon

By Estefani Hammond with the assistance of AI.

July 2, 2024

Artesia, NM - The Artesia Republican headquarters ​is officially open for business, located at 106 S ​Roselawn Ave, next door to Roselawn Barber Shop. ​The new location offers a selection of Trump ​merchandise for sale, and supporters are invited to ​stop by and check out the latest gear, register to ​vote, grab yard signs, etc.

In addition to the merchandise, the headquarters is ​also in need of volunteers to help staff the office. ​Selah Perkins, 2nd Vice-Chair, can be reached at ​575-513-0913 to volunteer your services. Please leave ​a message and she will get back to you promptly.

Meanwhile, the Carlsbad Republican Headquarters ​at 314 N Canal St. is expected to open soon. To ​prepare for its grand opening, a Work Party will be ​held this Saturday, July 6, starting at 8am. The event ​will take place at the trailer located in front of Tina ​Kincaid, , Chairwoman's, house at 2802 Legion St in ​Carlsbad.

Organizers are calling on strong and able-bodied ​volunteers to lend a hand with the move-in process. ​The goal is to make the transition into the new ​headquarters a successful one, and every pair of ​hands will be appreciated. Come out and join your ​fellow Republicans in this effort to get the new ​headquarters up and running smoothly.

Don't miss this opportunity to show your support ​for the Republican Party and get involved in the ​local community. Mark your calendars for Saturday, ​July 6, and join us at the trailer on Legion Street in ​Carlsbad. Together, we can make a difference!